Village Clerk
Ladora Boyd, Oblong Village Clerk
Was appointed Village Clerk on February 3, 1999. Ladora is currently working towards becoming a Certified Municipal Clerk and also a Registered Clerk.
The Village Clerk performs a variety of responsible supervisory and administrative duties to maintain official records, conduct elections and overall operation of the Village Clerk's office. The Village Clerk attends meetings, maintains the official records of proceedings and other required official city records, maintains the Village seal and oversees all elections. Village Council Support, provides secretarial and research support to the Village Trustee's.
Clerk's Office
202 South Range Street
Office - 618-592-3431
Fax - 618-592-3922
Monday - Friday, 8 am to 2 pm
Municipal Clerks of Illinois Code of Ethics
The Municipal Clerk has an office of public trust and should uphold the obligations and responsibilities assumed when elected (or appointed) and installed.
Retain complete and accurate records of meetings and all transactions.
Administer an office that is efficient and also courteous to everyone.
Constantly seek out information that will increase your knowledge and improve the standards of your office.
Always listen to both sides of a problem and then be fair and firm in your decisions.
Village of Oblong Internet Service
Courtesy of Fairpoint Communications