Station 600

"Make every week fire prevention week"

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Fire Runs

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A Firefighters Gloves

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Village of Oblong

Equiptment List

Station House

Brush Truck 650

Engine 651

Engine 652

Tanker 653

Squad 654

Current Roster

Past Roster


Fire Run Updates For 2006

1 Jan. 1 False alarm 705 E. Kentucky 
2 Jan. 1 Garage fire 309 N. Grant
3 Jan. 13 Medic Assist, Robinson
4 Jan. 14 Mutual Aid, Wade Community Fire, Newton
5 Jan. 27 Medic Assist, Stoy
6 Jan. 31 Auto Accident, 4735 E. 800th. St., Oblong
7 Feb. 1 Crawford County Oil- Building Fire 575E.&450N.
8 Feb. 3 Smoke in Residence 707 W. Main Oblong
9 Feb. 6 Auto Accident 700E.& 700N.
10 Feb. 10 Smoke in building 6501 E. 1050th.Ave
11 Feb. 10 Automatic Mutual Aid Prairie Licking Structure Fire 688 E. & 1600th. Ave.
12 Feb. 12 Rubbish Fire 11996 N. & 2250th. St. Willow Hill
13 Feb. 25 Smoke alarm, CILA home, 11078 N. 200th.
14 Feb. 27 Grass Fire, 850 N & 310 E
15 March 5 Rubbish/Grass Fire 3969 E. 375th.Ave
16 March 9 Mutual Aid Prairie Licking, Auto Accident/ Cancelled enroute, 700E & 1700 N.
17 March 9 Transformer Fire, 2751 E. & 1350th. Ave.
18 March 10 Assist Rescue/ 10-50 w entrapment, 6435 E. & 1050th. Ave
19 March 11 Mutual Aid/ Robinson, Structure Fire 7188 N. & 850th., Cancelled Enroute
20 March 12 Mutual Aid/ Robinson Structure Fire, 113 N. Cross
21 March 15 CILA House, 11078 N. 200th.St., Smoke Alarm malfunction
22 March 18 Trailer Fire, 511 E. Indiana St.
23 March 22 Automatic Mutual Aid Robinson, 1003 N. Walters
24 April 2 Camper overturned onto LP tank. 5080E. 800th Ave. Storm Damage
25 April 20 Automatic Mutual Aid to Robinson, Cancelled Enroute
26 April 28 Grass Fire, 5938 N. & 200th.St
27 April 29 Grass Fire, 2563 N.& 650th. St
28 May 1 False Alarm/Report, West of Oblong
29 May 6 Vehicle Fire, 200 E. & 1/4 mile W. on 225 N.
30 May 10 Medic Assist, 797 E. 1050th.Ave
31 May 18 Medic Assist, 207 E. Cherry St. Robinson
32 May 18 Medic Assist
33 May 24 Medic Assist, 11531 N. 600 St. Oblong
34 May 24 Medic Assist, 207 E. Cherry St. Robinson
35 May 24 Medic Assist, Cancelled Enroute
36 May 24 Medic Assist, 104 Lincoln St. Oblong
37 May 25 Electric lines arcing, 4948 N. 1350th Ave.
38 May 30 Oil Tank Battery Fire, 1175 N.&275th.
39 May 31 Mutual Aid/ Wade Community Fire, Structure Fire
40 May 31 Medic Assist, 702 E. Main St.
41 June 3 Medic Assist, 5498 E. 800th Ave.
42 June 7 Medic Assist, 204 N. Jefferson St.
43 June 8 Grass/Field Fire, 5031 E.& 375 Ave.
44 June 9 Car Fire, 11996 N. & 2250 St., Willow Hill
45 June 9 Medic Assist, 797 E. 1050th. Ave.
46 June 12 Medic Assist, 709 E. Main St.
47 June 14 Medic Assist, 405 W. Illinois
48 June 23 Controlled Burn / Crawford Co. Oil, 5601 N 700 Ave.
49 June 26 Medic Assist, 9941 N. Firebaugh St. Stoy
50 June 29 Auto Accident with injuries, 1907 E. 550th. Ave Oblong
51 July 3 Field fire 2996 E. 1350th. Ave
52 July 6 Structure Fire 516 E. State Hwy 33
53 July 8 Field fire 2996 E. 1350th.Ave
54 July 26 Medic Assist, 797 E. 1050th. Ave.
55 July 31 Lawnmower Fire, 401 E. Georgia St.
56 July 31 Medic Assist 3906 E 1350th Ave.Cancelled enroute
57 August 10 Mutual Aid Wade Comm Structure N Rt.49
58 August 13 Medic assist 797 E.1050 th. Ave.
59 August 20 Assist Law Enforcement-Search 11078 N. 200th.
60 August 21 Medic Assist, 207 E. Cherry St. Robinson Cancelled Enroute
61 August 22 Medic assist 797 E.1050 th. Ave.
62 August 30 Automatic Alarm Ridgeview Care Center
63 August 31 Automatic Alarm Ridgeview Care Center
64 Sept. 3 Electrical Smoke, 804 W.Illinois
65 Sept. 7 Medic Assist, 507 E. Kentucky
66 Sept. 10 Truck struck gas meter, S.Range at Car Wash
67 Sept 13 Automatic Mutual Aid Robinson 12010 N.1050th.St.
68 Sept 29 Smell in House-509 E.Indiana
69 Oct.7 Assist Medic 207 E.Cherry Robinson
70 Oct. 13 Vehicle Fire-100 E. Ohio
71 Oct. 21 Automatic Mutual Aid Robinson 1308 W. Main St.
72 Oct. 25 Trailer fire -2125th-400th.Ave. Jasper Co
73 Oct. 26 Mutual Aid Wade Comm- Cover Station
74 Nov. 8 Automatic Mutual Aid-Robinson 8473 E.600th.Ave.
75 Nov. 17 Medic Assist-404 W.Main St.
76 Nov. 26 Automatic Mutual Aid Prairie-Licking 173 E.1980th.
77 Dec. 7 Medic Assist-401 W.Main St.
78 Dec. 11 Grass Fire -6508 E. 1200th.Ave.
79 Dec, 12 Medic Assist-702 E.Main
80 Dec. 14 Automatic Mutual Aid Praire-Licking 19970 N. 700th. St. Cancelled
81 Dec.31 Medic Assist- 10590 N. 600th.Robinson


    Oblong Fire

Mission Statement of the Oblong Fire Department:

To protect the lives and property of the residents of the
Oblong Fire District and to assist them
when any misfortune, whether natural or manmade befalls them.



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