Draft Minutes of the April 3, 2002 Meeting
The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session on April 3rd, 2002, in the Farley Room of the Municipal Building.
Members Present: Mayor Keith Waldrop, Trustee Sherry Catt, Trustee Myrl Littlejohn, Trustee Carole Jones, Trustee Jack Gallion, Trustee Bonnie Finn, Trustee Bill Hatch, Village Treasurer Jan Miller and Village Clerk Ladora Boyd.
Others Present: Public Works Superintendent Gary Lanter, Lisa Ulrey (Robinson Daily News), Public Works Office Manager Dale Davis, Custodian Byron Sanders, Chelsea Sanders, Acting Police Chief Bill Rutan, Part-Time Officer Greg Coker, Trevor Bissey (Brissenden Insurance), Shannon Woodard (Connor & Connor, Inc.), Linda Cravens (Oblong Gem), Danny Kendall, Sandy Kendall, Police Chief Candidate Chad Pusey and Misti Pusey.
1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Waldrop.
2. The Regular Meeting minutes of March 6th and Special Meeting minutes of March 13th were approved with a motion by Bonnie and a second by Jack. All ayes, motion carried.
3. There was one addition to the agenda this month. Shannon Woodard (Connor & Connor, Inc.) came before the board to give an update on the Water Tower Project. He stated that Connor & Connor, Inc. would be submitting an application for a construction permit to EPA.
4. There was one delinquent water bill customer at the meeting this month. Mr. & Mrs. Kendall came before the board to ask for an extension on their water bill of $32.77. They stated that they would be able to pay it on April 11th. The Board granted the extension.
5. Mr. Bissey (Brissenden Insurance) came before the board to ask permission to talk to the employees interested in dental insurance. He brought an estimate of what it would cost with just one plan that would need to have at least five (5) people interested in this insurance.
6. Motion by Sherry, with a second by Carole to go into executive session at 7:15 pm to discuss the hiring of summer help, employee wages and interview Chad Pusey for the position of Police Chief. All ayes, motion carried.
7. Motion by Jack, with a second by Bill to come out of executive session at 8:20 pm. All ayes, motion carried.
8. Motion by Jack, with a second by Bonnie to hire Darin Coulter, Loren Polley and Derek Yager for the Village summer help positions. All ayes, motion carried.
9. Motion by Bill, with a second by Bonnie to adopt Ordinance #2002-0-437 "Payroll Ordinance". Ayes: Bill Hatch, Bonnie Finn, Jack Gallion, Carole Jones and Sherry Catt. Abstained: Myrl Littlejohn. Motion carried.
10. Motion by Carole, with a second by Sherry to hire Chad Pusey for the new Oblong Police Chief. All ayes, motion carried. Carole stated that there will be a reception for the new police chief on April 10th from 5 pm to 7 pm. The chief will be sworn in at that time. Everyone is welcome to come. There will be punch, coffee and cookies.
11. Motion by Bill, with a second
by Carole to adopt the Fiscal Year 2003 Working Budget with a total of
$975,756.00. All ayes, motion carried.
12. Motion by Jack, with a second by Sherry to adopt Ordinance #2002-0-438 "An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 38". All ayes, motion carried.
13. Keith stated that Sharon Haley
called to ask for the Park on May 4th from 9 am to 12 noon for the St. Jude
Bike-a-thon. Motion by Jack, with a second by Carole to grant the request. All
ayes, motion carried.
Keith stated that the SpringFest will be May 10th and 11th. Motion by Sherry,
with a second by Bill, to allow the Oblong Chamber of Commerce the use of the
Park. All ayes, motion carried.
Keith stated that Madelene Harris called to request the use of the park for
Conservation Day sponsored by the Soil & Water Conservation on Wednesday,
May 1st from 9 am to 2:30 pm. They will be setting up booths around the lake
for 5th grade students from all over the county. Motion by Bill, with a second
by Carole to grant this request. All ayes, motion carried.
Keith stated that Floyd's Place will be changing hands in the near future. Chris
Hinterscher (President of CN Hinterscher, Inc.) asked Keith about getting the
Liquor License so that he could get all the paperwork done as soon as possible.
Motion by Bill, with a second by Jack to approve the Liquor License for CN Hinterscher,
Inc. doing business as (DBA) Floyd's Place. All ayes, motion carried.
Keith stated that he and Gary had talk to a gentleman from Action Termite about
the geese problem out at the lake. The gentleman got back with Keith with a
quote of $350/a treatment and it would probably take 4 to 6 treatments. This
treatment is a chemical fogging that lasts for 30 days. Keith stated that there
were no guarantees that this would solve the problem. There was no action taken
at this time.
Keith stated that Ag Day will be April 12th from 9 am to 2 pm out at the Park.
Keith stated that April 13th from 11 am to 1 pm the Family Clinic is having
an Open House for the new nurse practitioner.
Keith stated that the Village had received a letter from IDOT on the motor fuel
tax audit. There were no problems.
Keith stated that Rumpke's Spring Clean-Up is April 19th.
14. The treasurer's report was given by Jan. Jan asked to be allowed to attend a Judy Baar Topinka Treasurer Symposium on April 10th and 11th. The board had no objection.
15. Motion by Bill, with a second by Sherry, to pay the bills that were on the voucher and any utility bills or any bill that will incur a late charge. All ayes, motion carried.
16. Reports of Committees:
A. Police: Carole stated that everything had been taken care of earlier in the meeting.
B. Buildings and Park: Sherry stated that she had talk to Garold Shoulder (Crawford County Fair Board) told her to go ahead an get estimates for solar lighting for the entryway of the park. The Fair Board is going to help us pay for them.
C. Sidewalks and Lights: No Report.
D. Street and Alley: No Report.
E. Water and Sewer: Bonnie asked permission for Gary and Travis to attend a meeting in Sullivan, Illinois on April 18th. There is a $10 membership fees per person. The Board had no objection.
F. Finance: Bill stated that everything had already been covered.
17. A motion to adjourn at 8:55 pm was made by Carole, with a second by Jack. All ayes, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ladora Boyd, Clerk