Draft Minutes of the February 6, 2002 Meeting
The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session on February 6th, 2002, in the Farley Room of Municipal Building.
Members Present: Mayor Keith Waldrop, Sherry Catt, Myrl Littlejohn, Carole Jones, Jack Gallion, Bonnie Finn, Bill Hatch, Jan Miller and Ladora Boyd.
Others Present: Gary Lanter, Lisa Ulrey (Robinson Daily News), Linda Cravens (Oblong Gem), Shannon Woodard (Connor & Connor), Dale Davis, Byron Sanders, Officer Bill Rutan, William Burke Jr., Ricky Barnbrook, Justin Lockhart, Shannon Smith, Travis Woodward, Part-Time Officer Greg Coker, Danny Kendall and Sandy Kendall.
1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Waldrop.
2. The minutes of January 2nd were approved with a motion by Bonnie and a second by Jack. All ayes, motion carried.
3. There was one addition to the agenda this month. William Burke Jr. brought petitions to the Board for consideration. Bill Hatch read the petition that was brought before the Board. The Petition stated "We the people of the Village and community of Oblong, believe that Officer Jean Ann Randolph is more than qualified to become the Chief of Police. Furthermore, we feel that she should be given the greatest consideration for that position." There was a total of 95 signatures.
4. Shannon Woodard (Connor & Connor) brought to the meeting some bills to be approved for payment from the Water Extension checking account after approval from USDA Rural Development, Vicky Middleton. The invoices total was $33,899.53. Motion by Jack, with a second by Myrl to pay the invoices after Vicky Middleton approves them. All ayes, motion carried. Shannon also presented a bill for Wayne Lapington Excavating for the Stoy Project of $9,737.40. Motion by Bonnie, with a second by Sherry to pay the bill for the Stoy Project. All ayes, motion carried. Shannon stated that he is trying to contact EPA to see if the permit for our water tower is going to be put on hold or not; due to the fact the Robinson-Palestine Water Commission has been put on the EPA's Restricts List.
5. There was one delinquent water bill customer at the meeting this month. Mr. & Mrs. Kendall came before the Board to ask for a 30 day extension on their water bill. The Board granted the extension on the water bill. Mr. & Mrs. Kendall have until March 6th to pay their water bill.
6. Keith wanted to thank everyone that helped out while he was on vacation last month. Keith remind the Board that everyone needs to start working on their budget figures. Keith stated that the Village had received the franchise fees from MediaCom of $7,073.31. Keith stated that a gentleman contacted him about cancer insurance, if any on the Village employees and/or Trustees would like to hear about the plan, need to let the mayor know and the mayor will contact the gentleman to set up a meeting. There needs to be at least 5 participants.
7. Motion by Myrl, with a second by Jack to accept the letter of resignation from Police Chief Gregory Van Praag. All ayes, motion carried.
8. Motion by Sherry, with a second by Carole to make a Mini Park uptown on the two lots (South Range Street) that was recently purchased by the Village. All ayes, motion carried. Keith stated that he had talked to Mr. Corn about doing a mural for the north wall and this spring hoping to put top soil on and seeding the lots.
9. The treasurer's report was given by Jan.
10. Motion by Sherry, with a second by Myrl, to pay the bills that were on the voucher and any utility bills or any bill that will incur a late charge. All ayes, motion carried.
11. Reports of Committees:
A. Police: Carole stated that everyone had a copy of the monthly police report. The committee had two meetings last month after the board meeting. (See attached Committee Minutes.) Carole stated that Officer Bill Rutan is doing the administrative duties until the Village hires a new Chief of Police.
B. Buildings and Park: No Report.
C. Sidewalks and Lights: No Report.
D. Street and Alley: Gary stated that he is working on getting some figures for the South Range Street Project.
E. Water and Sewer: No Report.
F. Finance: The Village received two sealed bids on 1967 Ford 3/4 ton pick-up. The bids are as follows: Mr. Larry J. Baud $250.00
Mr. Ron Westall $275.00.
Motion by Jack, with a second by Bonnie to sell the 1967 Pick-up to Ron Westall for $275.00. All ayes, motion carried.
12. Motion by Bonnie, with a second by Bill to go into executive session at 8:08 pm to discuss personnel matter. All ayes, motion carried.
13. Motion by Jack, with a second by Bill to come out of executive session at 9:30 pm. All ayes, motion carried.
14. Carole made a motion that Officer Bill Rutan is to start background checks on the 3 candidates (Thomas Jansen, Gregg Knotts and Thomas Kearns) for the position of Chief of Police, with a second by Sherry. Ayes: Bill, Bonnie, Jack, Carole and Sherry. Abstain: Myrl. Motion carried.
15. A motion to adjourn at 9:35 pm was made by Jack, with a second by Bill. All ayes, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ladora Boyd, Clerk