October 2, 2002

The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session on October 2nd, 2002, in the Farley Room of the Municipal Building.

Members Present: Mayor Keith Waldrop, Trustee Sherry Catt, Trustee Myrl Littlejohn, Trustee Carole Jones, Trustee Jack Gallion, Trustee Bonnie Finn, Trustee Bill Hatch, Treasurer Jan Miller and Village Clerk Ladora Boyd.

Others Present: Public Works Superintendent Gary Lanter, Linda Cravens (Oblong Gem), Police Chief Chad Pusey, Mike Buhler (Robinson Daily News), Part-Time Officer Greg Coker, Custodian Byron Sanders, Julie Tull (Catholic Services), Jeanne Collenbaugh (Cellular One) and Mr. Collenbaugh. For The Executive Session: Adam Deckard, Greg Myers and Frank Weber (Village Attorney).

1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Waldrop.

2. The Regular Meeting minutes of September 4th and the Special Board Meeting minutes of September 23rd were approved with a motion by Sherry and a second by Bonnie. All ayes, motion carried.

3. There was one addition to the agenda this month. Jeanne Collenbaugh of Cellular One came before the board to ask permission to place a repeater on the water tower to increase reception for cell phones. She stated that Cellular One has recently put a repeater on the Crawford County Sheriff's Department, for which Cellular One pays $150 month leasing fee and has a three year lease. The decision was tabled until next month.

4. There were no delinquent water bill customer at the meeting this month. There was some discussion about some habitual delinquent water bill customers and some problems with them. It was decided that the Water/Sewer Committee would have a meeting on Thursday, October 3rd, at 7:30 am, to discuss the matter further.

5. Julie Tull, from Catholic Services, came before the board to ask permission to use the Farley Room one day a week, Thursday, from 3 pm to 5 pm for meetings with a client Motion by Jack, with a second by Bonnie, to grant Julie permission to use the Farley Room on Thursday from 3 to 5 pm. All ayes, motion carried.

6. Motion by Bill, with a second by Carole, to table the signing of a contract with TowerLink America, LLC and signing a contract with Cellular One until next month due to some questions. All ayes, motion carried.

7. Motion by Bonnie, with a second by Jack, to set October 31st as Trick or Treat Night in Oblong with the hours being from 5 pm to 8 pm and only where porch lights are on. All ayes, motion carried.

8. Motion by Sherry, with a second by Bill, to adopt Resolution #02-6 "Corporate Authorization". All ayes, motion carried.

9. Motion by Carole, with a second by Jack, to adopt Ordinance #2002-0-446 "Amend Chapter 27, Offenses, Article II - Generally to Add Section 27-2-31 Loitering, of the Revised Code of Ordinances of the Village of Oblong, Crawford County, Illinois". All ayes, motion carried.

10. Under Mayor's Comments, Keith stated that this is the month to change the rate of pay for the Mayor's and Trustees' pay. Motion by Jack, with a second by Myrl, to leave the rate of pay for the Mayor's and Trustees' pay the same. All ayes, motion carried. Keith stated that he would be out of town on October 10th thru the 16th. Keith also stated that the Village has been sprayed for mosquitos on September 10th and October 1st. October 11th is Fall Clean-up. The Mayor had received a letter from Ron Adams. (See attachment)

11. The treasurer's report was given by Jan.

12. Motion by Bill, with a second by Carole, to pay the bills that were on the voucher and any utility bills or any bills that will incur a late charge. All ayes, motion carried.

13. Reports of Committees:

A. Police: Carole stated that everyone had a copy of the monthly police report. Chief Pusey stated that he would have a safety check station set-up to check candy on Trick or Treat Night at the Police Department Office from 6 to 9 pm. School has ask about possibly having a Dare officer from OPD. Chief Pusey six month review was this month. Motion by Carole, with a second by Sherry, to give Chief Pusey a pay raise of $15.71. All ayes, motion carried.

B. Buildings and Park: Sherry stated that everything is looking good.

C. Sidewalks and Lights: No Report.

D. Street and Alley: No Report.

E. Water and Sewer: No Report.

F. Finance: Bill stated that there was nothing else.

14. Motion by Sherry, with a second by Carole, to enter into executive session to discuss the hiring of a Full-Time Patrol Officer, at 8:20 pm. All ayes, motion carried.

15. Motion by Carole, with a second by Sherry, to come out of executive session at 9:05 pm. All ayes, motion carried.

16. Motion by Bill, with a second by Carole, to hire Greg Coker as the Full-Time Patrol Officer. Ayes: Bill, Bonnie, Carole, Sherry. Nays: Jack, Myrl.

17. Motion by Bill, with a second by Carole, to enter into executive session to discuss litigation against the Village, at 9:09 pm. All ayes, motion carried.

18. Motion by Bill, with a second by Carole, to come out of executive session at 9:40 pm. All ayes, motion carried.

19. A motion to adjourn at 9:42 pm was made by Carole, with a second by Sherry. All ayes, motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ladora Boyd, Clerk