Council Minutes and Agenda's
December 3, 2003
The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session on December 3rd, 2003, in the Farley Room of the Municipal Building.
Members Present: Mayor Keith Waldrop, Clerk Ladora Boyd, Trustee Bill Hatch, Trustee Bonnie Finn, Trustee Jack Gallion, Trustee Carole Jones, Trustee Sherry Catt, Trustee Debi Wilson and Treasurer Jan Miller.
Others Present: Public Works Superintendent Gary Lanter, Police Chief Chad Pusey, Tom Compton (Daily News), Gerald Adams, Cory Utterback (Connor & Connor, Inc.), Ron Finn, Norma Carder, Cliff Schiller, Rick Catt, Chris Hinterscher, Ron Tuel and Rex Finn.
1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Waldrop.
2. The Regular Meeting minutes of November 5th were approved with a motion by Sherry and a second by Debi. All ayes, motion carried.
3. There were no additions or deletions to the agenda this month.
4. There was one delinquent water bill customer at the meeting this month. Ron Tuel asked for an extension on his water bill until December 12th. The extension was granted by the board.
5. Cory came before the Board to bring bills for the Water Tower Project. The pay out is as follows: Caldwell Tanks, Inc. ($71,325.00), David L. Krick ($ 37,781.20) and Connor & Connor, Inc. ($ 810.24). Motion by Bonnie, with a second by Jack, to pay the bills on the Water Tower Project with approval from the Illinois EPA. All ayes, motion carried. Cory stated that the new water tower could start coming in anytime now. Cory stated that Krick's has the new water main booster station building up but there is still some things to be finished. There will need to be some lines laid to hook-up the new water main booster station. Krick will take care of the old water main booster station. There were some question about the bills and amounts of the loan that have been disbursed to the village.
6. Chris Hinterscher came to the board to ask for extended hours on New Year's Eve as follows: 1 am last call and everyone out at 1:30 am. Motion by Jack, with a second by Bonnie, to allow the two taverns in the Village to stay open until 1:30 am (last call at 1 am). All ayes, motion carried.
7. Chris Hinterscher also came to the board to request that there be extend hours on Friday and Saturday nights. Motion by Bill, second by Debi, to extend the tavern hours by one hour (12:30 am last call and everyone out by 1 am) for a 90 day trial period. Ayes: Bill, Bonnie, Jack, Debi. Nays: Carole, Sherry. Motion carried.
8. Norma Carder stated that first she wanted to thank the board for their financial support over the years. Norma Carder came before the board to give an update on what Crawford County Development Association (CCDA) is doing. She stated that the Ethanol Plant construction is on schedule with the plant up and going by late spring or early summer of 2004. Keith asked if the state was going to come thru with the money for the road work. Norma stated that as far as she knew everything was okay. She stated that for now Midwest Transportation is in Crawford County. Midwest's office is on South Cross north of Sparks Floral and the trailer shop is located in the old Rumpke building. Norma stated she is taking a class in leadership program and hoping to start a leadership program in Crawford County next spring. Norma stated that the last thing she wanted to talk about was International Marketing and how it could possibly help Crawford County. She has been talking to a gentleman (used to be the Foreign Investment Director for the State of Illinois) who would possibly represent the county. She asked that the Village commit to donating $1,000/a year for two years to help with the cost to pay the gentleman to represent the county. There were some questions. Motion by Jack, with a second by Carole, to commit to pay $1,000/a year for two years to CCDA. Ayes: Bonnie, Jack, Carole, Sherry, Debi. Nays: Bill. Motion carried.
9. Motion by Bill, with a second by Jack, to adopt Ordinance #2003-0-460 "Amendment to Chapter 21, Liquor, Article III - Regulations, Section 21-3-20". All ayes, motion carried
10. Motion by Bill, with a second by Debi, to table the animal ordinance until next board meeting due to the village attorney needs some more time to do research. All ayes, motion carried.
11. Motion by Carole, second by Jack, to adopt Ordinance #2003-0-461 "Truancy and Curfew". All ayes, motion carried.
12. Motion by Bill, second by Sherry, to adopt Resolution #2003-3 "Amending the Village of Oblong Cafeteria Plan". All ayes, motion carried.
13. Motion by Carole, with a second by Bill, to purchase new software (General Ledger, Payroll, Utility Bill) from LOCIS. All ayes, motion carried.
14. Under Mayor's Comments: a.) Keith stated that the Village Trustees' and Employees' Christmas Party will be December 19th at 6 pm at the Hi Way Cafe. Keith stated that he will need to know how many will be attending by December 12th.
b.) Keith mentioned Christmas Bonuses for the employees. He stated that last year the Village paid $115 to Full-Time and $85 to Part-Time as Christmas Bonuses. Motion by Bill, with a second by Debi, to give a Christmas Bonus as follows: all full-time employees, Larry Fear and Bill Rutan $115 and part-time employees (excluding Larry Fear and Bill Rutan) $85. Ayes: Bill, Bonnie, Carole, Sherry, Debi. Abstain: Jack. Motion carried.
c.) Keith made a suggested that the Municipal Building should be open at 8 am instead of 8:30 am. Motion by Bill, with a second by Carole, to have the Municipal Building open at 8 am Monday - Friday. All ayes motion carried.
d.) Keith mentioned that he felt that the mail should be delivered to the clerk or mayor. The most of the board felt that the mail should be delivered to the clerk.
15. The treasurer's report was given by Jan. May be able to transfer some money from sewer checking to the sewer repo. Jan stated that she had given all the trustees a copy of a letter about the next SEICTA meeting on December 12th. Jan stated that if any of the trustees, mayor or village employees wants to attend they can but let Jan or Ladora know if coming for the meal so that Jan can have a head count.
16. Motion by Debi, with a second by Sherry, to pay the bills that were on the voucher and any utility bills, bills that will incur a late charge or reimbursements to employees. All ayes, motion carried.
17.Reports of Committees:
A. Police: Carole stated that everyone had a copy of the monthly police report. Carole mentioned that Randy Pine prevented the high school from burning down over the Thanksgiving weekend. Carole stated that the Chief will be attending Taser school at Danville on Thursday, December 4th, and Friday, December 5th. Carole mentioned that Officer Avery has gotten moved into the Village limits.
B. Buildings and Park: Sherry asked how the open house went out at the new maintenance building. Gary stated that he felt it when well and that there was probably about a hundred (100) people come out.
C. Sidewalks and Lights: No Report.
D. Street and Alley: Gary stated that the department will still pick-up bagged leaves. Keith stated that the South Range Project is finished and all bills are paid.
E. Water and Sewer: Gary wants to make sure that the water bills get to Dale as soon as possible. Gary felt that we can work everything out. Gary stated that he has just received information on the Annual JULIE Breakfast Meetings there will be one in Olney and one in Effingham again this year. He stated that the Public Works Department will be attending. The mayor would like to attend one of the meetings also. The meetings will be in January or February
F. Finance: No Report.
18. Keith mentioned that he had been contacted about having a wedding out at the park on June 12th. The person wanted to know if the Village would be willing to close the street around by the memorial wall for a couple of hours. Keith told them that they need to come to a board meeting to make the request a little closer to the date of the wedding.
19. Motion by Jack, with a second by Bill, to adjourn at 8:21 pm. All ayes, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ladora Boyd, Clerk