Council Minutes and Agenda's
July 2, 2003
The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session on July 2nd, 2003, in the Farley Room of the Municipal Building.
Members Present: Mayor Keith Waldrop, Clerk Ladora Boyd, Trustee Bill Hatch, Trustee Bonnie Finn, Trustee Jack Gallion, Trustee Carole Jones, Trustee Sherry Catt, Trustee Debi Wilson and Treasurer Jan Miller.
Others Present: Public Works Superintendent Gary Lanter, Police Chief Chad Pusey, Tom Compton (Daily News), Shannon Woodard (Connor & Connor, Inc.), Tom Moore (Kemper CPA), Jodi Machtley (Kemper CPA) and Rep. Roger Eddy.
1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Waldrop.
2. The Regular Meeting minutes of June 4th and Special Meeting minutes of June 9th were approved with a motion by Carole and a second by Sherry. All ayes, motion carried.
3. There were no additions or deletions to the agenda this month.
4. There were no delinquent water bill customers at the meeting this month. Keith stated that there was a water bill customer came to him with a problem about the bill. Keith stated that the Water/Sewer Committee would be meeting soon and they would look into to the problem.
5. Shannon Woodard stated that the loan and application had been approved by IEPA and has gone ahead and issued a notice of award to the contractors. Shannon came before the board to ask the board to give permission to the Mayor Keith Waldrop and the Clerk Ladora Boyd to execute agreements involved with the Water Tower Project. Motion by Bonnie, with a second by Jack, to grant permission for the Mayor and the Clerk to execute agreements on the Water Tower Project. All ayes, motion carried. Shannon also brought the first set of invoices (Design{80%}, Right of Ways, Applications, Soil Borings and Tower Site Survey) for the board to approve for payment after the invoice are approved by the IEPA and the Village receives the disbursement check from IEPA. Motion by Debi, with a second by Sherry, to approve the invoices present at the meeting for payment. All ayes, motion carried. Shannon also asked that the Board approve the request for disbursement for the EPA loan. Motion by Jack, with a second by Bonnie, to approve the request for disbursement in the amount of $54, 819.96. All ayes, motion carried.
6. Tom Moore of Kemper CPA, the Village's Auditor, came before the Board
to present a summary of the Village's Audit for Fiscal Year 2003. He also
introduced Jodi Machtley, who actually did the audit this year for the Village.
He gave the Board copies of the Audit which included graphs showing the Village's
financial status. Tom stated that the Village's revenue was down due to state
tax cut backs and low interest rates. Tom stated that the Village is still
in good financial shape. Tom said that if any of the Trustees had questions
for them to feel frees to call him at Kemper and he would answer the questions.
There was some discussion on the Five Year Plan.
7. Rep. Roger Eddy came before the Board to introduce himself to the Board and stated that anytime there were some questions about legislation or problems or issues that he could help with to contact his office in Springfield or Hutsonville. He is trying to visit all the communities that he represents this summer and fall.
8. Motion by Bill, with a second by Jack, to approve the mobile home permit submitted by Randy Pine. All ayes, motion carried.
9. Under Mayor's Comments: a.)
Keith stated that the Village has two repos coming due July 22nd (General & Water).
The repos will need to be let for bids and open the bids before the next
board meeting (August 6th). Jan will
send out letters for bids on the repos. The letters will state that the bids
have to be back to the Village no later than July 31st. Finance Committee will
have a meeting on July 31st at 5:15 pm, to open the bids and decide where the
best rate is. The committee will then let the rest of the board know and refinance
the repos with the best rate.
b.) Keith stated that he had received a letter from Mr. Weber, Village's Attorney,
about the dismissal of Jean A. Randolph's suit with the Village thru the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission.
c.) Keith stated that the Village has gotten the New Meter Reader Truck. Keith said that the Village will be putting the Old Meter Reader Truck up for sealed bids. The bids will be opened at the next board meeting (August 6th). Gary is to write up the ad for the bids.
d.)Keith brought up about what type of bed liner the Board would like to purchase for the New Meter Reader Truck. The price to have a rhino liner spray would be about $320 or purchase a truck bed mat for about $70. Motion by Debi, with a second by Jack, to purchase a truck bed mat for about $70. All ayes, motion carried.
e.) Keith mentioned that the IML Conference will be September 18th thru the 21st in Chicago. If anyone would like to attend the conference please let Keith or Ladora know by July 15th, so that hotel and train ticket reservation can be made and registration for the conference can be sent in.
f.) Keith stated that the Village had received a letter from Neeley Oil Company stating that as of the end of the business day on June 28th they would be closing the Marathon Station and would no longer be delivering bulk fuel. Keith stated that since the closing of the station the Village vehicles will need to start going to Freedom Oil a month earlier. Now that there are only three filling stations in the Village the gas rotation schedule will be for four month instead of three.
10. The treasurer's report was given by Jan. Jan stated that Tom Moore will no longer be doing the Village's audit that Jodi Machtley will be from now on. Jan stated that she thought Jodi is real easy to get along with. Bill asked if this was the last year of the contract with Kemper or is it next year. Jan stated that she asked and that it is next year. Jan stated that the Village will not have to comply with GASB34 until 2005. Jan asked how the Board would like the bids be for one year or six months. The Board wanted the bids for both and six months term and a year term. Jan stated that she had a very educational trip to IMTA Conference.
11. Motion by Jack, with a second by Bill, to pay the bills that were on the voucher and any utility bills, bills that will incur a late charge or reimbursements to employees. All ayes, motion carried.
12. Motion by Jack, with a second by Bonnie, to allow that there can be checks added on to the Vouchers up to a $1,000 per check as needed for unexpected bills that come due during the month. All ayes, motion carried.
13. Reports of Committees:
A. Police: Carole said that everyone had a copy of the monthly police report.
Service calls were down a little last month. Carole stated that both of the
Village's new full-time officers are in school. Kristin and Randy both passed
their agility test. July 11th there will be certified firearms training qualifications.
July 14th thru 17th, Elise Nave will be attending a forty hour firearms training
course in Carbondale. The chief gave a six month total of 254 cases, 179 traffic
citations and 14 drug arrests. The department needs two more radios. Motion
by Bill, with a second by Sherry, to purchase two new radios for the police
department at a cost of $862.34/a piece. All ayes, motion carried. Bonnie asked
about the pay and evaluation of the new officers. Motion by Carole, with a
second by Bill, that the full-time officers start at $11/hour until graduation
from the academy then it will be $12/hour and the part-time officer start at
$9.50/hour. Also. that evaluation will be at 3 months, 6 months and a year
for new full-time officers. The full-time officers will have 6 months to move
to town after graduating. All ayes, motion carried.
B. Buildings and Park: Sherry stated that the landscaping has begun around
the restroom on the northside of the Park. Sherry stated that there will
be some more landscaping on the southside later on. Sherry stated that Paula
is doing a good job. Sherry mentioned that Max Nave of Willow Hill donated
a piece of wooden playground equipment in the shape of a truck (it is close
to the Santa House).
C. Sidewalks and Lights: Jack stated that the sidewalks in the first block of South Range were about complete and that there are a few more projects and repairs that will be done this year.
D. Street and Alley: The South Range Project has been started as of July 1st. There was a problem with the design, but it has now been corrected.
E. Water and Sewer: Bill stated that there will be a committee meeting on July 9th at 4 pm. Gary stated that there will be a training session on July 23rd and 24th at Manteno first annual underground symposium, free of charge. Gary and Travis would like to go this year and see if it is good if so Gary would send somebody else next year to the symposium. The Village would be out the hotel bill. The board granted the request. Keith mentioned that Dale is having some serious health problems.
F. Finance: Everything has already been discussed. Debi stated again about the committee meeting on July 31st at 5:15 pm.
14. Keith asked if there was any other business. No other business needed to be discussed.
15. A motion to adjourn at 8:50 pm was made by Jack, with a second by Bill. All ayes, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ladora Boyd, Clerk