Council Minutes and Agenda's
March 5, 2003
The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session on March 5th, 2003, in the Farley Room of the Municipal Building.
Members Present: Mayor Keith Waldrop, Clerk Ladora Boyd, Trustee Bill Hatch, Trustee Bonnie Finn, Trustee Jack Gallion, Trustee Carole Jones, Trustee Sherry Catt and Treasurer Jan Miller.
Absent: Trustee Myrl Littlejohn.
Others Present: Public Works Superintendent Gary Lanter, Police Chief Chad Pusey, Part-time Patrol Officer Bill Rutan, Tom Compton (Robinson Daily News), Michael Compton (Tom's son), Custodian Byron Sanders, Debi Wilson, Cory Utterback (Connor & Connor, Inc.) and Lisa Ulrey. For Executive Session: Norma Carder.
1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Waldrop.
2. The Regular Meeting minutes of February 5th were approved with a motion by Sherry and a second by Bill. 5 ayes, motion carried.
3. There were no additions or deletions to the agenda this month.
4. There were no delinquent water bill customers at the meeting this month.
5. Cory Utterback came to the board meeting to give an update on the Water Tower Project. He asked for the go ahead to advertise for bids on the Water Tower Project. Motion by Bonnie, with a second by Jack, to give Connor & Connor, Inc. the go ahead to advertise. 5 ayes, motion carried. The advertising will start no later than Friday, March 14th, 2003. The bids will be open Monday, April 21st, 2003, at 1 pm.
6. Motion by Carole, with a second by Sherry, to adopt Ordinance #2003-0-450 "An ordinance to approve an agreement to render aid to the Village of Oblong, Crawford County, Illinois." 5 ayes, motion carried.
7. Motion by Sherry, with a second by Bill, to give the Mayor permission
to sign the Render Aid Agreement. 5 ayes, motion carried.
8. Lisa Ulrey came before the board to ask for donations to the
Crawford County Youth Alliance (Lunch Buddy Program). No action was taken.
9. Motion by Jack, with a second by Sherry, to adopt Resolution #03-1 "Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code." 5 ayes, motion carried.
10. Motion by Bonnie, with a second by Jack, to adopt Resolution #03-2 "Resolution for Improvement by Municipality under the Illinois Highway Code. 5 ayes, motion carried.
11. Under Mayor's Comments, Keith wanted to thank the board for making good decisions on the Water Tower Project and the South Range Project. Keith said that he felt it would be a good idea to have a pop machine installed on the south side of the back doors into the building. Motion by Sherry, with a second by Carole, to put a pop machine on the outside of the building. 5 ayes, motion carried.
12. The treasurer's report was given by Jan. Jan stated that she thought that the Village could take $5,000 out of the sewer checking account and put in the sewer repo; also $10,000 out of the water checking account and put in the water repo.
13. Motion by Bill, with a second by Sherry, to pay the bills that were on the voucher and any utility bills or any bills that will incur a late charge or reimbursements. 5 ayes, motion carried.
14. Reports of Committees:
A. Police: Carole said that everyone had a copy of the monthly police report. Carole opened the bids for the 1991 Chevy Caprice. There were six bids as follows: Warren Stephens ($1050), Johnny Wiseman ($500), Herman F. Calvert ($303), Byron Sanders ($1,005), Lonnie Wall ($513) and Steve Postlewait ($600). Motion by Carole, with a second by Jack, to award the bid for the 1991 Chevy Caprice to Warren Stephens. 5 ayes, motion carried. Mr. Stephens will need to bring a Cashier's Check for $1,050.00 on Wednesday, March 12th by noon. Carole said that the Drug Identification for street officers that will be this Monday, March 10th, 2003, from 6 pm to 9 pm at the Municipal building. Carole said that the trustees could come and have refreshments and attend the seminar. Carole said that the new squad car is being decal and should be done by noon on Thursday, March 6th, 2003. Carole said that the committee had a meeting Tuesday, March 4th, 2003 at 5:15 pm to discuss the budget for the police department.
B. Buildings and Park: Sherry said that the committee will have
a meeting on March 13th, 2003, at 5:15 pm to go over the budget for park
and the building.
C. Sidewalks and Lights: Jack said that Gary had brought to Jack's attention that a small section of sidewalk has raised in front of Terry's Flower shop. Motion by Jack, with a second by Bonnie, to give Gary permission to go ahead and have the sidewalk fixed. 5 ayes, motion carried.
D. Street and Alley: No report.
E. Water and Sewer: No report.
F. Finance: Bill asked Jan if there was anything else that needed to be discussed. Jan said there was nothing more.
15. Motion by Sherry, with a second by Carole to go in to executive session to discuss the purchase of real estate at 7:57 pm. 5 ayes, motion carried.
16. Motion by Jack, with a second by Bonnie, to come out of executive session at 9:20 pm. 5 ayes, motion carried. Bill stated that no action was taken on the discussion.
17. A motion to adjourn at 9:22 pm was made by Jack, with a second by Bill. 5 ayes, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ladora Boyd, Clerk