Village of Oblong
November 1st, 2006
I. Meeting called to order
II. Present regular board meeting minutes of October 4th, 2006, for approval
III. Additions or deletions to the agenda
IV. Water Bill Questions
V. Ordinance #2006-0-498 “An Ordinance Imposing a Tax on the Gross Rental Receipts Realized From the Renting of Hotel or Motel Rooms”
VI. Resolution #2006-R-5 “A Resolution Creating a Tourism Advisory Board”
VII. Milano & Grunloh Engineers Bill Payment
VIII. IDOT – Right of Way Purchase Agreement
IX. Modular Home Application
X. Mayor's Comments: 1. Mobile Homes on Main & Range Streets
2. I–CAP
XI. Reports of Committees:
A. Police
B. Building & Park
C. Sidewalks & Lights
D. Street & Alley
E. Water & Sewer
F. Finance
XII. Payment of Bills
XIII. Other items of business
XIV. Adjournment
as of October 27th, 2006
2006 Meeting Dates
January 4 |
Feburary 1 |
March 1 |
April 5 |
May 3 |
June 7 |
July 5 |
August 2 |
September 6 |
October 4 |
November 1 |
December 6 |