Village of Oblong
June 6, 2007
The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session on June 6th, 2007, in the Farley Room of the Municipal Building.
Member Present: Mayor Randy Rich, Clerk Ladora Boyd, Trustee Rick Catt, Trustee Joe Campanella, Trustee Rick Houdasheldt, Trustee Ken Russell, Trustee Tony Madlem, Trustee Debi Wilson and Treasurer Jan Miller.
Others Present: Police Chief Chad Pusey, Public Works Superintendent Gary Lanter and Cindy McReynolds.
1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Rich.
2. The Regular Board Meeting minutes of May 2nd, 2007, were approved with a motion by Rick C. and a second by Tony. All ayes, motion carried.
3. There were no additions or deletions to the agenda this month.
4. There was one water bill customer at the meeting this month. Mrs. Mc Reynolds stated that she would be able to pay her delinquent water bill on Friday afternoon, June 8th. The board granted her the extension.
5. Motion by Debi, with a second by Joe, to adopt Ordinance #2007-O-501 “Prevailing Wage Ordinance”. All ayes, motion carried.
6. There was some discussion on the three (3) year right of way at the Park Entrance and IDOT usage of the area to park some of their equipment during the Route 33 Project before the vote on the resolution. There was also some concerns about the annual activities that use the park. Motion by Joe, with a second by Debi, to adopt Resolution #2007-R-2 “Municipal Corporate Resolution”. All ayes, motion carried.
7. Joe stated that this grant is a matching funds grant for the new playground equipment and the resolution is one of the requirements. Motion by Tony, with a second by Ken, to adopt Resolution #2007-R-3 “Resolution of Authorization” for the Playground Grant. All ayes, motion carried. The commitment of the Village for fifty percent (50%) of the project is valid only if the Village has received the Grant from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.
8. Under Mayor’s Comments : 1. Randy stated that either he would appoint a committee with Chad being a member, to come up with some suggestions on the burn ordinance or Chad could write a couple of rough drafts for the board to look over. There was some discussion and it was finally decided that Chad would make a rough draft of the change to the burn ordinance for the board to look over.
2. Randy stated that the Village has received the first estimated payment on the bill for the project for the main meter and lines relocation. The check will be sent to Robinson-Palestine Water Commission since we went together on this project and then they will pay Munson Construction for the materials purchased for this project. There was some questions on this project that were discussed and settled.
9. Reports of Committees:
A. Police: Rick H. stated that there will be normal training this month. The new squad car will be in service June 7th or 8th, hopefully. Rick stated that everyone had a copy of the monthly report. It was mentioned that there have been some complaints about the vehicles parked on Kentucky Street in front of Certified Autos. Chad stated that he would talk with the owners about the vehicles. Joe asked if the 2003 Squad was sold or not. Chad stated that the Police Department, that is interested in the 2003, Chief of Police is on vacation and will be back sometime next week.
B. Building and Park: Joe stated that he had nothing else to report at this time. Gary stated that the fence is back up around the horseshoe court and if the weather holds out the fence will be painted by the end of the week.
C. Sidewalks and Lights: Debi stated that there was a meeting on May 11th, to discuss possibly putting a handicap parking space in front of the municipal building. The committee felt that there was no needed for the additional parking. Debi also stated that there are still some sidewalks to be repair this fiscal year. Randy stated that Lisa Pinkston had contacted him about the Village possibly footing the cost of some LED light bulbs for the Christmas decorations that the Chamber of Commerce is purchasing to replace the banners at Christmas time. There was some discussion on this issue. The board’s feeling was not to pay for the LED light bulbs. The Village already pays for the electricity for the banner lights. It was stated that the Chamber of Commerce would like to store these Christmas decorations at one of the Village’s building. Gary stated that the Chamber of Commerce could store the Christmas decoration in the newest of the old oilfield museum building.
D. Street and Alley: Tony stated that the committee was informed by Gary that the MFT Bid letting will be June 19th, at 10 am.
E. Water and Sewer: Ken stated that there are still some right of way needed for the Davis/Kilburn Project and the County Line Project. Ken stated that Gary would like to send Travis to the IRWA Training session on July 18th , in Effingham. The board granted the request.
F. Finance: Rick C. asked for a volunteer to initial the bills for the month of June. Joe volunteered to come in to look over the bills for the month of June and initial them.
10. Motion by Rick H., with a second by Joe, to pay the bills that were on the warranty list and any utility bills, bills that will incur a late charge or reimbursements to employees. All ayes, motion carried.
11. There was no other business this month.
12. Motion by Rick C., with a second by Rick H., to adjourn at 7:36 pm. All ayes, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted
Ladora C. Boyd
2007 Meeting
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