Village of Oblong


The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session on September 5th, 2007, in the Farley Room of the Municipal Building.

Members Present: Mayor Randy Rich, Clerk Ladora Boyd, Trustee Joe Campanella, Trustee Rick Houdasheldt, Trustee Ken Russell, Trustee Tony Madlem, Trustee Debi Wilson and Treasurer Jan Miller.

Absent: Trustee Rick Catt.

Others Present: Police Chief Chad Pusey, Public Works Superintendent Gary Lanter, Charlotte Cannon (Oblong Germ), Tom Compton (Robinson Daily News), Dale Davis (Oblong Lake Restoration Committee), Bonnie Finn (Oblong Lake Restoration Committee), Lamark Edwards and Tony Myers.

1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Rich.

2. The Regular Board Meeting minutes of August 1st, 2007, were approved with a motion by Joe and a second by Rick H. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

3. There were no water bill customers at the meeting this month.

4. There were two additions to the agenda this month.
First was Dale Davis and Bonnie Finn, representatives of the Oblong Lake Restoration Committee, presented a check in the amount of $1,000 towards the repair cost of the large fountain pump.

Second was Tony Myers from Old School Disposal. He came before the Board to request an extension of five (5) years to his current contract with the Village. The current contract expires July, 2008. He stated that if the contract is extended that the unit price will raise by fifty cents ($0.50). The current monthly rates are $9.00/per household and $8.00/per Senior household. The new monthly rates will be $9.50/per household and $8.50/per Senior household. Motion by Rick H., with a second by Joe, to extend the contract with approval by the Village Attorney. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

There was a question about when Fall Clean-Up was going to be. Tony stated that he would get back with Ladora on a date and it will be advertised.

5. There was some discussed before the motion. Motion by Tony, with a second by Debi, to adopt Ordinance #2007-O-502 “An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 27, Article VIII — Open Burning, Section 27-8-3 Restrictions on Burning of Landscape Waste of the Revised Code of Ordinances of the Village of Oblong, Crawford County, Illinois”. Ayes: Joe, Rick H., Ken, Tony, Debi. Motion carried.

6. Motion by Debi, with a second by Ken, to adopt Ordinance #2007-O-503 “An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 24 Motor Vehicle Code, Article III — Stop and Through Street, Section 24-3-3 of the Revised Code of Ordinances of the Village of Oblong , Crawford County, Illinois”. Ayes: Joe, Rick H., Ken, Tony, Debi. Motion carried.

7. The request from the VFW for the use of the 4-way stop in Oblong to pass out Poppies on September 8th, from 9 am to 12 or 1pm was granted by the Board.

8. The request from the Shriners for the use of the 4-way stop in Oblong to pass out their paper on September 15th, from 8 am to 12 pm (noon) was granted by the Board.

9. The Board decided to go ahead and open the bids for the old Water Tower lot instead of waiting until Reports of Committees: Water and Sewer. Ken opened the only bid received. The bid was for $1,659.00 from John Ferguson of Willow Hill. Motion by Ken, with a second by Tony, to accept the bid from John Ferguson. Ayes: Joe, Rick H., Ken, Tony, Debi. Motion carried.

10. Motion by Rick H., with a second by Debi, to go into executive session at 7:20 pm to discuss personnel. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

Motion by Rick H., with a second by Debi, to come out of executive session at 7:55 pm. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

Motion by Rick H., with a second by Debi, to increase the Current Part-Time Police Officers hourly rate by $2.00/hour and all new Part-Time Police Officer that are certified will start at a base rate of $12.00/hour. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

Motion by Tony, with a second by Ken, to accept the resignation of Rodney Eubank as a Part-Time Police Officer for the Village. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

11. Under Mayor’s Comments : Randy stated that what he had for the meeting will go under the Reports of Committees: Finance.

12. Reports of Committees:

A. Police: Rick H. stated that there will be normal training this month. Chad mentioned that everyone had a copy of the monthly report. The department will be placing a advertisement in the newspaper for certified part-time Police Officers. There was a question asked about how many part-time Officers the Village was hiring. Rick stated that the department is wanting to build a hiring pool of applications in case down the road the department will need more part-time Officers.

B. Building and Park: Joe stated that the Large Fountain pump has been repaired and is in service.

C. Sidewalks and Lights: Debi stated that she had nothing to report at this time.

D. Street and Alley: Tony stated that he has not heard any pros or cons about the signs being changed on Ohio Street and the corner of Taylor Street. Tony stated that the annual oiling and rock will be soon. Gary stated that if everything goes well this project will be completed next week. Chad stated that he has been monitoring the traffic on West Missouri by the daycare center.

E. Water and Sewer: Ken stated that there is an IRWA Training session in Effingham on October 17th that Gary and Travis Smith would like to attend. The Board granted the request. Ken stated that Connor & Connor is slowly getting things going for the Master Meter Project.

F. Finance: Randy stated that Jan and Ladora would like permission to attend a SECICTA meeting on September 13th in Greenup; the speaker at the meeting is from IL Department of Labor. The Board granted the request. Rick H. volunteered to initial the bills for the month of September.

13. Motion by Ken, with a second by Tony, to pay the bills that were on the warranty list and any utility bills, bills that will incur a late charge or reimbursements to employees. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

14. Debi mentioned a spraying for mosquitoes. She stated that she had received some phone calls about the mosquitoes. Randy stated that he had contacted Palestine about doing the spraying for mosquitoes. Palestine told Randy that they would spray on an as needed base. They will charge us the same amount as they charge Hutsonville.

15. Motion by Tony, with a second by Rick H., to adjourn at 8:08 pm. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted


Ladora C. Boyd





2007 Meeting Dates

January 3
February 7
March 7
April 4
May 2
June 6
July 11
August 1
September 5
October 3
November 7
December 5