Village of Oblong
January 7 th, 2009
I. Meeting Called to Order
II. Present Regular Board Meeting Minutes of December 3 rd, 2008, for approval
III. Additions or Deletions to the Agenda
IV. Water Bill Questions
V. Ordinance #2009-O-515 “Cable & Video Customer Protection Law”
VI. Ordinance #2009-O-516 “Cable/Video Service Provider Fee”
VII. Ordinance #2009-O-517 “An Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code of the Village of Oblong by the Addition of Article XI to Chapter 33 Establishing Standards for the Construction of Facilities on the Right-of-Way”
VIII. Ordinance #2009-O-518 “An Ordinance Approving an Agreement Between Jeffrey Lawhead and the Village of Oblong, Illinois
IX. Mayor’s Comments:
X. Reports of Committees:
A. Police
B. Building & Park
C. Sidewalks & Lights
D. Street & Alley
E. Water & Sewer
F. Finance
XI. Payment of Bills
XII. Other Items of Business
XIII. Adjourn
2009 Meeting Dates
January 7 |
February 4 |
March 4 |
April 1 |
May 6 |
June 3 |
July 1 |
August 2 |
September 2 |
October 7 |
November 4 |
December 2 |