Village of Oblong
November 4th, 2009
Revised November 3, 2009
I. Meeting Called to Order
II. Present Regular Board Meeting Minutes of October 7th, 2009, for approval
III. Additions or Deletions to the Agenda
IV. Water Bill Questions
V. Joan Knollenberg - DAR Indian Heritage Proclamation
VI. Nick Hinterscher
VII. Resolution #2009-R-7 “A Resolution Providing for a Feasibility Study on the Designation of Areas as Redevelopment Project Areas”
VIII. Resolution #2009-R-8 “Agreement for Technical Services and Assistance: Tax Increment Financing – Village of Oblong”
IX. Ordinance #2009-O-523 “An Ordinance of the Village of Oblong, Illinois Authorizing the Establishment of Tax Increment Financing ‘Interested Parties’ Registries and Adopting Registration Rules for These Registries”
X. Discussion of Business District Development
XI. Mayor’s Comments:
XII. Reports of Committees:
A. Police
B. Building & Park
C. Sidewalks & Lights
D. Street & Alley
E. Water & Sewer
F. Finance
XIII. Payment of Bills
XIV. Other Items of Business
XV. Adjourn
2009 Meeting Dates
January 7 |
February 4 |
March 4 |
April 1 |
May 6 |
June 3 |
July 1 |
August 2 |
September 2 |
October 7 |
November 4 |
December 2 |