Village of Oblong
Minutes for August 4th., 2010 Meeting
The Village of Oblong Board of Trustees met in regular session on Wednesday, August 4th, 2010, in the Farley Room of the Municipal Building.
Members Clerk Ladora Boyd, Trustee Rick Catt (Mayor Pro-tem), Trustee Joe
Present: Campanella, Trustee Rick Houdasheldt, Trustee Ken Russell, Trustee
Tony Madlem, Trustee Debi Wilson and Treasurer Jan Miller.
Absent: Mayor Randy Rich.
Others Police Chief Chad Pusey, Public Works Superintendent Gary Lanter, Tom
Present: Compton (Daily News), Chris Forde (WTYE/WTAY), JJ Aten (Oblong Gem),
Tony L. Williams and Dr. Steven B. Szigethy.
1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Pro-tem Catt.
2. The Regular Board Meeting minutes of July 7th, 2010, were approved with a motion by Joe and a second by Ken. Five (5) ayes; motion carried.
3. There were no additions or deletions to the agenda this month.
4. There were no water bill customers at the meeting this month.
5. Dr. Szigethy came before the Board to ask if there were any permits or anything that needed to be done before having the roof put back on and new windows and doors put back in at the Oblong Clinic. The Board had questions about the cleanup of the burn debris and if the structure is sound enough to support a new roof. Dr. Szigethy stated that he was planning to clean out the debris after having the roof, windows and doors replaced. He stated that the contractor would be starting with the garage was because it had received the least amount of damage from the fire. The Board stated that Dr.Szigethy would need to clean out the debris and have a licensed engineer to evaluate the concrete walls of the Clinic to make sure that the walls will support a new roof. Rick C. stated that the Village had received a letter from the Crawford County Health Department that listed some public health/safety concerns. Rick asked if the Board would be willing to let Dr. Szigethy start the cleanup and get a signed statement from a licensed building engineer between now and the September 1st Board Meeting. The Board agreed. The Board asked Dr. Szigethy when he would have the cleanup started. Dr. Szigethy stated that he thought the contractor would start next week.
Joe brought up about a letter dated July 28th from the Police Department
to the
Szigethys about a couple of abandoned vehicles and some tall weed that are
Village of Oblong ordinance violations. The issues need to be addressed and
6. Motion by Joe, with a second by Tony, to adopt Resolution #2010-R-5
“Halloween Parade Permit”. Five (5) ayes; motion carried.
7. Rick C. stated that all of the Board members had copies of the letters
notices that need to be voted on by the Board for the “Notice to Remediate”
for properties located at 402 South Range Street and 210 West Ohio Street.
Motion by Rick H., with a second by Ken, to proceed with the “Notice of Remediate”
to the property owners and other paperwork. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
8. Rick C. stated that the Village had received the annual MFT audit report
Illinois Department of Transportations. The Village received a clean audit.
The audit is for the 2009 calendar year.
9. Rick stated that Jan had sent out letters requesting bids on the Village’s checking account interest. Jan opened the three (3) bids for the Village’s checking accounts. The bids are as follows:
1. First National Bank in Olney 0.50% (APY)
2. First Financial Bank 0.51% (APY)
3. First Robinson Savings Bank 1.14% (APY)
Motion by Rick H., with a second by Tony, to accept the bid from First Robinson Savings Bank of 1.14% APY for a two (2) year term. Ayes: Joe, Rick H., Ken, Tony, Debi. Abstain: Rick C. Motion carried.
10. Under Mayor’s Comments: Rick stated that Randy had not given him anything
for comments.
11. Reports of Committees:
A. Police: Joe read the monthly report for July. Joe stated that the department
had received 2 new tasers with eight (8) reloads through a grant from United
States Municipal Police Association. Joe stated that the laptops in the squad
cars are old and in need of an update. Joe mentioned that the department
has received a new laptop computer which will replace the laptop in the chief’s
squad car through a grant from ILEAS. Joe mentioned that Chad had busted
a grow operation by a felony, who also had body armor and ammu-nition, the
gentleman will be going back to prison. Joe stated that Chad has written
some letters, with Debi’s help, to try and get some new defibrillators for
the department. Chad and Brian Cox received recognition for their involved
with the DUI task force. Joe stated that Chad will have Rifle qualification
on August 24th. Joe mentioned that there will be a Red Cross Blood Drive
on August 19th in the Activity Center of the Municipal Building.
B. Building and Park: Debi stated that there have been two new light fixtures put up along the walking path at the Park. Gary stated that the new lights are located just south of the walking bridge. Debi stated that she would like for the Board to take a look at the lights and give their opinions on the lights; before the Village orders anymore. Gary asked the Board for permission to approach the Fair Board before next year’s fair about the carnival leaving right after the fair is over. The Board granted Gary’s request.
C. Sidewalks and Lights: Rick H. stated that the new sidewalks along Route 33 are coming along. He stated that the new light fixtures for the new street light have been delayed due to an engineering malfunction, but are supposed to be shipped August 5th or 6th and be a 3 day ship. Unsure if the 3 day ship is business day or other. Gary stated that Ameren is planning to put some more of the light poles on the north side of Main Street. Tony stated that the quickest the Village could get temporary lights up is August 10th or 11th. Tony felt it would be best to hold off on putting the temporary lights up until knowing for sure that the new lights will not be here by August 12th. Joe stated that the police department will start having a dark to dawn (midnight) shift starting August 6th to 10th (or longer if need be) in the downtown area to reassure the business owners; while there is not sufficient lighting in the area.
D. Street and Alley: Tony stated that Keiffer Bros is making great progress on the Route 33 street project. Chad stated that he had put in a request for speed reduction out by the new Dollar General Store entrance. The store is to open on August 8th or 9th. Chad stated that the Grand Opening is to be August 28th. There was some discussion about when the chip-n-seal would be. Gary mentioned that he and Tony get together and look at the streets that are on the map to be done and see if they still do.
E. Water and Sewer: Ken stated that there is still a section of line on the Northeast Water Loop Project to be done. Gary stated that weather permitting they will finish next week (August 9th through 13th).
F. Finance: Rick C. stated that everything had already been taken care of earlier.
G. Development: Tony stated that all he had was about the Dollar General
Store opening. There was some question about the employees and where to get
applications. Chad stated that he had been told that the employees are being
trained at the Robinson and Newton stores.
12. Motion by Joe, with a second by Tony, to pay the bills that were on the
list and any utility bills, bills that will incur a late charge or reimbursements
to employees. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
13. There were four other items of business this month.
1. Jan stated that there will be a Playground Committee Meeting at 6 pm everyone is welcome to attend.
2. Rick H. stated that Jeff Walker and his crew will be work on the Municipal Building this month sometime putting up new guttering. Rick stated that the only difference between the bid is the prevailing wage increases.
3. Tony stated that the red flashing light will be shut off until temporarily
until the
new conduit is in place. There was some discussion on the street signs at Main
and Range Street.
4. Ken stated that it had been brought to his attention about the Freedom Oil Station property. It is becoming a safety issue. Ken stated that there is a for sale or rent sign in the window. Chad stated that he would get the number and make contact. Chad will let them know that the Village has some concerns with the property.
14. Motion by Tony, with a second by Ken, to adjourn the meeting at 7:46 pm.
Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted
Ladora C. Boyd