Village of Oblong
September 5, 2012 Meeting
September 5th, 2012
The Village of Oblong Board of Trustees met in regular session on Wednesday, September 5th, 2012, in the Farley Room of the Municipal Building.
Members Present: Mayor Randy Rich, Clerk Ladora Boyd, Trustee Rick Catt, Trustee
Joe Campanella, Trustee Rick Houdasheldt, Trustee Ken Russell, Trustee
Debi Wilson and Treasurer Jan Miller.
Absent: Trustee Tony Madlem.
Others Present: Police Chief Chad Pusey, Tom Compton (Daily News), Chris Forde (WTYE/WTAY), Mike McReynolds, Tim Attaway (Oblong Community Club), Mike Garrard (Oblong Tractor and Engine Club) and John Stone (Connor & Connor, Inc.).
1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Rich.
2. The Regular Board Meeting minutes of August 1st, 2012 were approved with a motion by Debi and a second by Rick C. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
3. There was one addition and one deletion to the agenda this month.
Mike Garrard came to the Board to ask if the Board could make an exception
on the rules for non-highway vehicle during the Antique Tractor and
Engine Show. It was stated that the rules are State of Illinois Rules,
so there could not be any changes.
The Mayor felt that the Village did not need to pass the “No Texting on
Board” Proclamation. The Board agreed with him.
4. There were no water bill customers at the meeting this month.
5. Mike McReynolds came before the Board to let them know that the Alzheimer’s local group collected over $500 on August 18th at the 4-way stop. He stated that the group would like to do the collection again next year. Mike stated that there will be a fruit pie auction September 29th, along with the walk sponsored by the Alzheimer’s local group.
6. Tim Attaway, representing the Oblong Community Club, came before the Board to ask permission to use the Park for Oldies in the Park on October 13. He would like to have some barricades to keep people from driving thru the Park during the event. Oldies in the Park would start at 6:30 pm. The Board granted his request.
7. Motion by Trustee Catt, with a second by Trustee Wilson, to adopt Ordinance #2012-O-545 “Tax Levy Ordinance” with a total of $111,900. Five (5) ayes, motion carried
8. Motion by Trustee Houdasheldt, with a second by Trustee Russell, to adopt Ordinance #2012-O-546 “An Ordinance Approving a Professional Energy Consulting Services Agreement with Good Energy, L.P.”. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
9. Mayor’s Comments:
a. Mayor Rich mentioned that the Shriners would like to use the 4-way stop
to pass out their newspaper on either September 15th, 22nd or 29th,
from 8:30 am to 11:30 am. The Board granted the request.
b. Mayor Rich stated that he had received an e-mail from Public Works Superintendent Lanter stating that the erosion control project around the lake was completed but that the $1,000 that he thought would do the project was not enough to finish the project . Lanter stated that he approached the Oblong Lake Foundation and asked if they would be willing to make a donation so that the project could be completed. The Foundation gave $500, which finished the project. Mayor Rich stated that he would like to thank the Oblong Lake Foundation for the donation.
10. Reports of Committees:
Police: Joe read the monthly report for August, 2012. Joe stated that there was nothing else to report this month.
Building and Park: Debi stated that the Committee recommends that the Board go ahead and purchase the emergency generator for $17,932.29. Motion by Trustee Campanella, with a second by Trustee Houdasheldt, to purchase the emergency generator for $17,932.29. Five (5) ayes, motion carried. Debi stated that at last month’s Board Meeting the Board had decided to not try for the grant to help defer the cost of switching the light fixture from a T12 to T8 in the building, but upon further discussion the committee felt that the Board should go ahead and try for the grant due to the fact that it would pay for all of the material for the conversion. Debi stated that the Village could go ahead and purchase all the material now, then as the light burns out Byron could make the changes.
Sidewalks and Lights: Rick H. stated that he had nothing to report this month. Rick did ask if the Fall Clean-up had been schedule yet. Randy stated that it had not been scheduled yet.
Street and Alley: John Stone, Connor & Connor came before the Board to discuss the North Range Project. The estimated cost to go from the North Village Limits south to Ohio Street would be $761,000.00; this amount is just for the street repair does not include new water lines. The Board asked how much it would be for the new water lines. John stated that that would be an additional $200,000. John stated that if the Board decides to go with the entire project, instead 2 to 3 months, it would probably be a six month project which would increase the inspection costs. John mentioned that he understood that the Board might want to do Municipal Bonds to finance the project the interest would be 3.5% to 4%. The street would be the same width as it is now the only difference would be the approaches from the side streets. Some of the changes would be turning radiuses and grading of some of the steeper approaches. There also may be some Ameren poles that will need to be move due to the fact that they are close to the corner of side street intersections. New sidewalks would be put back in the original places. John stated that the Board is looking at a February or March letting if they go ahead with the project. There was some discussion about the project. The Board will make their decision on the project at next month’s meeting after getting a report from the auditors about the Village indebtedness.
Water and Sewer: Ken stated that there was a problem last month with some of the water bills not being received by customers. There has also been some damage to the bills. The problems have arisen since the mail has been going to Champaign to be sorted. Ken stated that he had talked with Oblong Post Office personnel and they gave him a flyer with a phone number and e-mail for complaints. Ken stated that the information will be in the Public Works Office.
Finance: Rick stated that the Village has received bids on the Village’s checking accounts. He had Jan to open the bids and read them. They are as follow:
First Robinson Savings Bank .57%
First Financial Bank .25%
First National Bank in Olney .25%
Motion by Rick H., with a second by Debi, to accept the bid from First
Robinson Savings Bank for .57% for two years. Ayes: Joe, Rick H., Ken,
Debi. Abstain: Rick C. Motion carried.
G. Development: Randy stated that there was nothing to report this month.
11. Motion by Trustee Russell, with a second by Trustee Catt, to pay the bills that were on the warranty list and any utility bills, bills that will incur a late charge or reimburse-ments to employees. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
12. There were no other items of business this month.
13. Motion by Trustee Catt, with a second by Trustee Wilson, to adjourn the meeting at 7:46 pm. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted
Ladora C. Boyd