Village of Oblong

February 6, 2013 Minutes

February 6th, 2013

The Village of Oblong Board of Trustees met in regular session on Wednesday, February 6th, 2013, in the Farley Room of the Municipal Building.

Members Present: Mayor Randy Rich, Clerk Ladora Boyd, Trustee Rick Catt, Trustee Joe Campanella, Trustee Rick Houdasheldt, Trustee Ken Russell, Trustee Tony Madlem, Trustee Debi Wilson and Treasurer Jan Miller.

Others Present: Police Chief Chad Pusey, Public Works Superintendent Gary Lanter, Tom Compton (Daily News), Chris Forde (WTYE/WTAY), JJ Aten (Oblong Gem), Monte Gillaspie and Daniel Fritchie.

1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Rich.

2. The Regular Board Meeting minutes of January 2nd, 2013 were approved with a motion by Joe and a second by Debi. All ayes, motion carried.

3. There were no additions or deletions to the agenda this month.

4. There were no water bill customers at the meeting this month.

5. The Board granted a request for Labor Local 1197 to use the 4-way stop on May
4th to collect donations for services for children with disabilities.

6. Tony stated that he had talked with John Stone, from Connor & Connor. Tony stated that they have not received approval for the North Range Street Project plans from IDOT yet. Randy asked the Board if the approval from IDOT comes in before next month’s meeting if it would be okay for the Street/Alley Committee to go ahead and let the project out for bidding. The Board gave the Street/Alley Committee permission to let the project out for bidding.

7. Mayor’s Comments:
Randy stated that the Village Attorney had sent a letter to the Village stating that the Village cannot adopt the Ordinance to restrict the radio frequencies in the Village for the wireless speaker system.

Randy stated that the Village had received a Thank You card from the Ron Westall Family (Gary & Gwenda Lanter) for the flowers.

8. Reports of Committees:

Police: Joe read the monthly report for January, 2013. Joe stated that there will be an Accurate Shoot training session on February 13th at 7 pm located at the Oblong Grade School. Joe stated that the ILEAS Conference will be March 3-5.

Building and Park: Debi stated that there had been an accident out at the Park. A young man had hit the old oil field museum and had reported it, so insurance will take care of the damage. The employees are still trying to find out where the leaks are in the municipal building.

Sidewalks and Lights: Rick H. stated that there was nothing to report this month.

Street and Alley: Tony stated that he had nothing else to report this month.

Water and Sewer: Ken stated that there was nothing to report for this month.

Finance: Rick C. stated that there was nothing to report for this month.

G. Development: Tony stated that he had nothing new to report this month.

9. Motion by Ken, with a second by Rick H., to pay the bills that were on the
warranty list and any utility bills, bills that will incur a late charge or reimbursements to employees. All ayes, motion carried.

10. There was one other item of business this month.
Daniel Fritchie wanted to know if there was any way of getting a stoplight at the 4-way stop. Gary stated that IDOT was the one to make that decision and that they were the ones that had allowed the Village to put up the flashing red light.

11. Motion by Rick C., with a second by Tony, to adjourn the meeting at 7:12 pm.
All ayes, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted


Ladora C. Boyd