Village of Oblong
April 2, 2014
I. Meeting Called to Order/Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag
II. Present Regular Board Meeting Minutes of March 5th, 2014 for approval
III. Additions or Deletions to the Agenda
IV. Water Bill Questions
V. Recognition of Local Business
VI. Resolution #2014-R-1 “A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement and the Existence and Formation of the Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System by Intergovernmental Cooperation”
VII. Resolution #2014-R-2 “A Resolution for Maintenance of Streets/Highways by Municipality under the Illinois Highways Code”
VIII. Working Budget Approval
IX. Ordinance #2014-O-560 “Appropriation Ordinance”
X. Discussion of Speed Reduction on West Edge of Village
XI. Mayor’s Comments: Spring Clean-Up April 24th
XII. Reports of Committees:
A. Police
B. Building & Park
C. Sidewalks & Lights
D. Street & Alley
E. Water & Sewer
F. Finance
G. Development
XIII. Payment of Bills
XIV. Other Items of Business
XV. Adjourn