Village of Oblong

June 4, 2014

I. Meeting Called to Order/Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag

II. Appointment of Clerk & Treasurer

III. Present Regular Board Meeting Minutes of May 7th, 2014 for approval

IV. Additions or Deletions to the Agenda

V. Water Bill Questions

VI. Opening Bids for 112 West Main Street Property

VII. Fuzzy Woods – Use of Skate Park Slab

VIII. Ordinance #2014-O-562 “Prevailing Wage Ordinance”

IX. Ordinance #2014-O-563 “An Ordinance Prohibiting the Use of Groundwater as a Potable Water Supply by the Installation or Use of Potable Water Supply Wells or by Any Other Method Within a Limited Area of the Village”

X. North Range Street Project

XI. Mayor’s Comments:

XII. Reports of Committees:

A. Police

B. Building & Park

C. Sidewalks & Lights

D. Street & Alley

E. Water & Sewer

F. Finance

G. Development

XIII. Payment of Bills

XIV. Other Items of Business

XV. Adjourn