Village of Oblong
June 7, 2017
The Village of Oblong Board of Trustees met in regular session on Wednesday, June 7th, 2017, in the Farley Room of the Municipal Building.
Members Present: Mayor Teresa Fielder, Clerk Ladora Boyd, Trustee Debi Wilson,
Trustee Angie Fear, Trustee Jay Haines, Trustee Dave Hasty and Treasurer/Deputy
Clerk Jan Miller.
Absent: Trustee Bill Burke.
Others Present: Public Works Superintendent Gary Lanter, Tom Compton (Daily
News), Chris DeWitt (WTAY/WTYE), Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mick Jr. (Oblong
JFL) and Cindy McReynolds.
The meeting was called to order at 7 pm by Mayor Fielder with everyone standing and saying the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Regular Board Meeting Minutes of May 3rd, 2017, were approved with a motion by Debi, and a second by Angie. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.
There was one addition to the agenda this month. Mr. Mick came before the Board to ask permission to hold a bucket brigade at the 4-way stop to raise money for the Oblong Junior Football League (JFL). He also asked if the Board could give him some suggestions about some other fundraisers for uniforms and equipment. The current equipment is outdated. Mr. Mick stated that each helmet is $100 apiece and they can only use it for ten year; the uniforms are also $100 apiece and the shoulder pads are $75 apiece. He hoping for more community support this year for the kids. JFL is for 4th to 8th graders. They are hoping to get the schedules out for the public to know when the games will be.
There was one Delinquent Water Bill customers at this month’s meeting. Cindy McReynolds asked if she could pay her water bill on Friday, June 9th. The Board granted her request.
Teresa read a letter from Robinson Mayor Roger Pethel about the Household Waste and Electronics takeback in July, 2017. He is asking if the Village of Oblong will help offset the cost. There was some discussion on what amount to donate for this cause. Motion by Jay, with a second by Debi, to give $1,000 to help offset the cost of the takeback. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
Motion by Jeron, with a second by Angie, to adopt Ordinance #2017-O-583 “Prevailing Wage Ordinance”. Roll call vote as follows: Debi-aye; Angie-aye; Jay-aye; Dave-aye; Jeron-aye. Motion carried.
Mayor’s Comments:
Teresa mentioned that Tom Haley (American Legion member) had contacted her
and wanted to thank everyone who came to the Memorial Day Ceremony that
the Legion put on.
Teresa stated that Gary, Travis and she had volunteered to pick up limbs
and brush for the United Way Care Week and that Jeff Patchett had served
lunch to the volunteers.
Teresa stated that she had received a notice from Constellation about electric
rates and that she wants the citizens to know that the Village’s aggregated
electric rates was good until June, 2019.
Teresa mentioned that the Village had received a letter from MediaCom about
the RTL International channel no longer being broadcast.
Teresa stated that the Village had received a letter from Oblong Township.
Susie wanted to commend the Public Workers guys for the storm clean-up
and for letting Paula Myers take care for the landscaping in the Oblong
Teresa wanted to welcome the Coon Hunters, who are staying at the campgrounds
by the Park.
Reports of Committees:
Police: Teresa stated that the new police vehicle should be ready the week
of June 19th. Jay stated that the committee met before the Board
Meeting and their recommendation at this time is to hire Alex Walker
as a Part-time officer. The part-time academy that Alex will need
to attend before he can patrol by himself will not be until January,
2018. Motion by Jay, with a second by Debi, to hire Alex Walker as
the new part-time patrol officer. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
Building and Park: Debi stated that she had nothing to report this month. Dave mentioned the Hootenanny that is schedule for July 8th at the park. Gary stated that tickets can be purchased in the Public Works Office.
Sidewalks and Lights: Gary stated that he had nothing to report this month.
Street and Alley: Angie stated that she had nothing to report this month.
Water and Sewer: Dave stated that the lift station annual maintenance will
be June 13th. He also stated that the committee will met on June 13th at
1 pm to discuss the possibility of electronic bill payment in the near
Finance: Jeron stated that he had nothing to report for this month.
Development: There was nothing to report this month.
Motion by Jay, with a second by Debi, to pay the bills that were on the warranty list and any utility bills, bills that will incur a late charge or reimbursements to employees. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
There were no other items of business this month.
Motion by Jeron, with a second by Angie, to adjourn the meeting at 7:34 pm. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted
Ladora Boyd