Village of Oblong

August 1, 2018

I. Meeting Called to Order/Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag

II. Present Regular Board Meeting Minutes of July 11th, 2018, for approval

III. Additions or Deletions to the Agenda

IV. Delinquent Water Bills

V. Cassinda Sheridan – Oblong FBLA

VI. Resolution #2018-R-2 “Homecoming Parade Permit”

VII. Resolution #2018-R-3 “Halloween Parade Permit”

VIII. Mayor’s Comments:

IX. Reports of Committees:

A. Police – Recommendation for change to 24-9-3 Non-Highway Vehicle Fees for Veterans & Active Service for next year

B. Building & Park

C. Sidewalks & Lights

D. Street & Alley

E. Water & Sewer – CDAP Grant

F. Finance

G. Development

H. Ad Hoc (Dilapidated/Unsafe Buildings & Ordinances) – TIF Grant for The Vault

X. Payment of Bills

XI. Other Items of Business

XII. Adjourn