Village of Oblong
September 5, 2018
The Village of Oblong Board of Trustees met in regular session on Wednesday, September 5th, 2018, in the Farley Room of the Municipal Building.
Members Present: Mayor Teresa Fielder, Clerk Ladora Boyd, Trustee Debi Wilson,
Trustee Angie Fear, Trustee Jay Haines, Trustee Dave Hasty, Trustee Bill
Burke, Trustee Jeron Harris and Treasurer/Deputy Clerk Jan Miller.
Others Present: Police Chief Chad Pusey, Public Works Superintendent Gary
Lanter and Tom Compton (Daily News).
The meeting was called to order at 7 pm by Mayor Fielder with everyone standing and saying the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Regular Board Meeting Minutes of August 1st, 2018, were approved with a motion by Angie, and a second by Debi. All ayes, motion carried.
There were no additions or deletions to the agenda this month.
There were no Delinquent Water Bill customers at the meeting this month.
There was a request from Casey’s General Store to have a bucket brigade at the 4-way stop to collect donation for MDA on September 8th, from 8 am to 12 pm (Noon). The Board granted the request. (The date was changed to September 22nd, instead of the 8th.)
There will be a Fall Demo Derby on October 20th, at 3 pm in front of the Grandstand. This event will be sponsored by the Crawford County Fair Board. Food will be provided by local youth organizations.
The Oblong Children’s Home will be having their annual Spooktacular 5K run on October 27th. It will be the same route as last year. The Board granted their request.
Motion by Jeron, with a second by Bill, to adopt Ordinance #2018-O-596 “Tax Levy Ordinance” in the amount of $134,000. Roll Call Vote as follows: Debi – aye, Angie – aye, Jay – aye, Dave – aye, Bill – aye, Jeron – aye.
Mayor’s Comments:
Teresa stated that Oblong Fall Clean-up will be September 20th.
Teresa mentioned that the Village received a $5,000 donation from Marathon.
After some discussion it was decided to put the amount towards the
cost of the South Range Street Patching Project.
Teresa stated that there has been some complaints about smoldering trash
burning. She stated that if the person making the complaint can give an
address of where the trash is being burnt then an officer will make sure
that the person becomes compliant or they will receive an ordinance violation
Teresa stated that Larissa Seward will be here on September 18th, at 5
pm to help anyone who is interested in filling out a form for a grant or
low interest loan.
Teresa mentioned that she had a copy of the ordinance that the Village
of Palestine had passed dealing with solicitation.
Teresa wanted to remind everyone that the Homecoming Parade is September
28th at 1:30 pm.
Reports of Committees:
Police: Jay stated that he had nothing to report this month.
Building and Park: Debi stated that she had nothing to report this month.
Sidewalks and Lights: Bill stated that he had nothing to report this month.
Street and Alley: Angie stated that she had nothing to report this month. Gary stated that the South Range Street Patching Project is done and that the Chip-N-Seal will be done later this month.
Water and Sewer: Dave stated that there have been 330 surveys returned, but the Village still needs more surveys returned. Dave also stated that the Sewer Refunds will need to be sent as a check so that there is a paper trail.
Finance: Jeron stated that he talked with Mike Gibson from Kemper Technology about a solution for the Village’s server problems. The estimates are as follows: Option 1 would cost $16,656. This option is for an in-house storage system. Option 2 would cost $9,083. This option the storage would be stored on the Cloud rather than the server. Jeron recommended that the Village go with Option 2. Motion by Jeron, with a second by Jay, to purchase Option 2 (MicroServer with Storage on the Cloud). All ayes, motion carried.
Development: Teresa gave an update about CCDA (next meeting will be in November). They no longer have the Revolving Loan Fund. Still working on the Rec Center out at Lincoln Trail College. There was some discussion about the enterprise zone.
Ad Hoc (Dilapidated/Unsafe Buildings): Teresa mentioned that the property at 703 South Grant has sold and the building has been demolished. The committee is still following up on some other properties. There were two home town pride awards one was to Kathy Huddleston and the other was to Benjamin & Desiree Rogers. Teresa stated that there had been a TIF Grant application submitted by Cloud 9 Full Service Salon for repairs to the front of their building for a $1,145.82. Motion by Bill, with a second by Angie, to grant their request for a $1,145.82 from the TIF Grant. All ayes, motion carried.
Motion by Jay, with a second by Dave, to pay the bills that were on the warranty list and any utility bills, bills that will incur a late charge or reimbursements to employees. All ayes, motion carried.
There was one other item of business this month. Chad stated that the incident at the high school on Tuesday was taken care of in a timely matter and without any problems.
Motion by Jeron, with a second by Dave, to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 pm. All ayes, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted
Ladora Boyd