Village of Oblong
March 4th, 2020
I. Meeting Called to Order/Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag
II. Present Regular Board Meeting Minutes of February 5th, 2020, for approval
III. Additions or Deletions to the Agenda
IV. Delinquent Water Bills
V. Antique Tractor & Engine Club – Use of Park on August 7, 8 & 9 for Antique Tractor/Engine Show
VI. Ordinance #2020-O-611 “An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 27”
VII. Opening of sealed bids for surplus Real Estate
VIII. Manufactured Home Application – Todd Kessler/Roxanne Kessler
IX. Casey General Store Corp - Request
X. Mayor’s Comments
XI. Reports of Committees:
A. Police
B. Building & Park
C. Sidewalks & Lights
D. Street & Alley
E. Water & Sewer
F. Finance
G. Development
H. Ad Hoc (Dilapidated/Unsafe Buildings & Ordinances)
TIF Grant Request
XII. Payment of Bills
XIII. Other Items of Business
XIV. Adjourn