Village of Oblong
October 7, 2020


The Village of Oblong Board of Trustees met in regular session on Wednesday, October 7th, 2020, in the Activity Center Room of the Municipal Building.

Members Present: Mayor Teresa Fielder, Clerk Ladora Boyd, Trustee Angie Fear, Trustee Jay Haines, Trustee Dave Hasty, Trustee Bill Burke, Trustee Keith Waldrop, Trustee Jeron Harris and Treasurer Jan Miller.
Others Present: Public Works Superintendent Gary Lanter, Police Chief Chad Pusey, Cory Groves, John Goff, Angela Downing (Daily News), Ben Kirk and Amber Maus.

The meeting was called to order at 5 pm by Mayor Fielder with everyone standing for the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Regular Board Meeting Minutes of September 2nd, 2020, were approved with a motion by Bill and a second by Jeron. All ayes, motion carried.

There were no additions or deletions to the agenda this month.

There were no Delinquent Water Bill customers at the meeting this month.

Ben Kirk came before the Board to present his plans on bringing wireless internet to Oblong and rural areas. He is hoping to expand to include all of Crawford County. He stated that he had looked at some potential places to put the equipment up. He stated that the name of his company is Hometown Wireless.

Cory Groves came before the Board with a map of the Groves Disc (Frisbee) Golf Course out at the Park. He stated that there have been donations towards the purchase of the disc baskets. The cost of 9 nine baskets will be $4,200. He stated that the Crawford County Fair Board had given their approval. Motion by Jeron, with a second by Angie, to give the approval for the Groves Disc (Frisbee) Golf Course for the Village side of things. All ayes, motion carried.

Teresa gave an update on the revolving loan from Crawford County. She stated that Heather, from Great Wabash Regional Planning Commission, stated that the Commission has not heard anything from the State as of September 24. Heather stated that “Revolving Loan Funding” applications are one of the last to be reviewed by DCEO. She is hoping to hear from DECO by the end of December. (The Grant for the Village of Oblong Sewer Projects is for $465,905.

Bill stated, that with the impact from COVID-19 of the Village’s finances, he felt that the Board should start working on possible cut backs for next fiscal year on projects and new equipment.

Motion by Jay, with a second by Bill, to adopt Ordinance 2020-O-615 “Tax Levy Ordinance”. Roll call vote as follows: Angie – Aye, Jay – Aye, Dave – Aye, Bill – Aye, Keith – Aye, Jeron – Aye; motion carried.

Motion by Bill, with a second by Jeron, to adopt Ordinance 2020-O-616 “An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 24, Motor Vehicle Code, Article VI – No Parking, Section 24-6-3 (E) of the Revised Code of Ordinances of the Village of Oblong, Crawford County, Illinois”. Roll call vote as follows: Angie – Aye, Jay – Aye, Dave – Aye, Bill – Aye, Keith – Aye, Jeron – Aye; motion carried.

Mayor’s Comments:

Teresa stated that on election day, November 3rd, the state, county schools will be closed. She asked the Board if the municipal office should be closed also or should they be open. The Illinois Municipal League is opposed to the Governor’s decision to have all local government (municipal) offices closed on election day due to the fact that this would be unfunded (meaning no reimbursement for the wages). Motion by Keith, with a second by Dave, to have the municipal offices stated open on election day. All ayes, motion carried.
Teresa mentioned that the Village has received a letter and a refund check in the amount of $500 from Curt & Larissa Deedrich (CDLS Consulting). We will no longer be using their consulting firm and they have returned all surveys, they did for us.
Teresa stated that Fall Follies & the Parade have been cancelled for this year; but if anyone wants to setup a booth on October 31st, along Main Street. They will need to contact the business owner for permission to setup.
Teresa stated that Trick or Treat will be October 31st, from 5 pm to 7 pm and only where porch lights are on.
Teresa mentioned that the Board need to look at their calendar and see when the Christmas Dinner for the Employees (which is financed by the Board member themselves) could be scheduled.
Teresa mentioned that the Dog Park officially open on September 26. There was a good turnout and lots of positive comments. The winning name for the Dog Park is Stormy’s Paw Park.
Teresa mentioned that Village residents will be receiving an Opt-out card with their electric bill. If the residents want to stay with Homefield Energy they need to do nothing with the card.
Teresa stated that she had received a “Homelessness in South Central Illinois 2020 Gaps Analysis Report” from South Central Illinois Continuum of Care if anyone wishes to see that or use it for anything let her know.

Reports of Committees:

Police: Jay stated that he had nothing to report this month.

Building & Park: Keith stated that there is a new bench in the Mini Park. He stated that there are now lights at the Pickle Ball Court. Keith stated that the new air conditioning unit is being installed at the municipal building. Keith mentioned that the Soccer games have been drawing a good turnout at the park/fairgrounds. Keith stated that the grant’s inquiring for repairs to the walking pathway have fell through.

Sidewalks & Lights: Bill stated that he had nothing to report this month.

Street & Alley: Angie stated that she had nothing to report this month. Gary stated that Amy Kemp had contacted him to state that the 5K Spooktacular was going to go ahead on October 31st. The route is the same as last years. Gary also asked permission to block off the parking along Main Street on October 31st. Motion by Keith, with a second by Jay, to permit Gary and the Public Works employees to block off the parking along Main Street in the downtown area. All ayes, motion carried. Gary asked about the events for October 17th. Teresa stated that she will post the information on her page as soon as she gets all the particulars. Right now, the plans are Pumpkin Decorating, with penny votes and maybe some food trucks.

Water & Sewer: Dave stated that the Water Committee will have a meeting later this to discuss the rate increase from Robinson-Palestine Water Commission. Dave also mentioned that he is hoping to schedule a organizational meeting for the 54 Oblong Club before the end of the year. He stated that there is some work being done for a brochure. Dave stated that the new truck will be in service this month for water meter reader.

Finance: Jeron stated that the committee met at 4 pm tonight to look over the Revolving Loan Application from Amber Maus. The committee recommends that the Board approve Amber’s Revolving Loan Application in the amount of $8,500. Motion by Jeron, with a second by Angie, to loan Amber Maus $8,500 for repairs to her business from the Revolving Loan Fund. All ayes, motion carried. Jeron stated that there was a second application from Gage Postlewaite, but there was still some paperwork that needed to be given to the committee.

Development: Bill stated that Mr. Colmark is wanting to extend the Park Meadow Subdivision (TIF District) and also sell property in the other phases. There was some discussion on this matter. The Board is not interested in extending the TIF. Bill then stated that he would suggest that the Village give the other taxing bodies their percent after the expenses are paid on the final year of TIF 1. Ladora will contact the TIF attorney.

Ad Hoc (Dilapidated/Unsafe Buildings & Ordinances): Teresa stated that the Hometown Pride winner for September was Sheryl & Stephanie Fritchie at 209 West Illinois Street. Reminder to residents that all brush piles, overgrowths, etc. need to be cleaned up so as to eliminate wildlife living quarters. Teresa mentioned that Gary is keeping in contact with the United Way about the fitness equipment that the Village is to receive in 2021. Teresa stated that the next meeting will be October 28th at 3:30 pm.

Motion by Jay, with a second by Dave, to pay the bills that were on the warranty list and any utility bills, bills that will incur a late charge or reimbursements to employees. All ayes, motion carried.

There was one other item of business this month. Keith stated that one of the bushes up at the Mini Park was going to be dug up. Jan stated that she would take it.

Motion by Jeron, with a second by Angie, to adjourn the meeting at 5:58 pm. All ayes, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted


Ladora Boyd