Village of Oblong
July 7th., 2021
5 pm

I. Meeting Called to Order/Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag

II. Present Regular Board Meeting Minutes of June 2nd, 2021, for approval

III. Additions or Deletions to the Agenda

IV. Delinquent Water Bills

V. Approval of Agreement with Bacon, Farmer, Workman Engineering & Testing Inc

VI. Resolution #2021-R-3 “Resolution expressing official intent regarding certain capital expenditures to be reimbursed from proceeds of an obligation”

VII. Mayor’s Comments

VIII. Reports of Committees:

A. Police

B. Building & Park

C. Sidewalks & Lights

D. Street & Alley

E. Water & Sewer

F. Finance
Treasurer’s Report
Clerk’s Report

G. Development

H. Ad Hoc (Beautification, Unsafe Buildings & Ordinances)
Discussion of Property located at 103 West Illinois Street

IX. Payment of Bills

X. Other Items of Business

XI. Adjourn