Village of Oblong
September 6, 2023
The Village of Oblong Board of Trustees met in regular session on Wednesday, September 6th, 2023, in the Farley Room of the Municipal Building.
Members Present: Mayor Teresa K. Fielder, Clerk Ladora Boyd, Trustee Amanda Miller, Trustee Carrie Hays, Trustee Dave Hasty, Trustee Terry “Toad” Ochs, Trustee Jay Haines, Trustee Jerry Snider and Treasurer Jan Miller.
Other Present: Chief Colton Williamson, Public Works Superintendent Gary Lanter, Angela Ridgway (Robinson Daily News), Taegan Garner (Greater Wabash Regional Planning Commission) and Keith Waldrop.
• The meeting was called to order at 5 pm by the Mayor. Teresa asked everyone to stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag.
• The Regular Board Meeting Minutes of August 2nd, 2023, were approved with a motion by Dave, with a second by Jerry. All ayes, motioned carried.
• There were no Additions or Deletions to the agenda this month.
• Teresa asked if there was anyone in the audience that wanted to comment on anything that was on this month’s agenda. There were no public comments made.
• There were no Delinquent Water Bill customers this month.
• Teresa stated that the Shriners’ would like to use the 4-way stop on September 16th, from 8 am to Noon (12 pm). The Board granted the request.
• Teresa stated that the Village has received a check from the OSLAD Grant, which is half for the awarded amount, around $300,000. She stated that once this amount is used then to receive the other half of the amount we will need to send in the invoices as the project is completed to be reimbursed. In talking with John Stone of Connor & Connor, there will not be any major construction on this Project until Spring 2024.
Teresa updated the Board about the Safe Route to School Grant. This grant is through Illinois Department of Transportation, which the Village is trying to obtain for sidewalks to the High School. There is an infrastructure aspect to this grant application; along with a non-infrastructure aspect. The non-infrastructure aspect is new this year, and focuses on opportunities to teach students how to get to school safely. Teresa stated without the High School involvement to carry out the non-infrastructure aspect there is zero chance for this grant. She stated that any letters of support need to be turned in as soon as possible. She stated that Brooke Fredrick, from South Central Regional Planning Commission, OHS Principal Mr. Julian and herself will plan to meet sometime next week to encompass the non-infrastructure part of this grant. Lastly there will need to be a Special Board Meeting for this grant to show that the Village gave the community an opportunity to provide any input. Ideally the meeting needs to be mid-September to do this. The Board decided to have the Special Meeting on Tuesday, September 19th, at 5:30 pm.
• Motion by Jay, with a second by Terry, to adopt Resolution #2023-R-9 “Resolution to Adopt the Tax Anticipation Warranty”. Roll call vote as follows: Amanda – aye, Carrie – aye. Dave – aye, Terry – aye, Jay – aye, Jerry – aye; motion carried.
• Motion by Carrie, with a second by Jay, to approve the Contract Renewal Date Lists. All ayes. motion carried. Teresa mentioned that a signed copy of the contract between the Village and Republic will be sent soon.
• Mayor’s Comments:
• Teresa mentioned that the Village had an OSHA inspection. Gary stated that he had given the Board a letter with what had been pointed out to him by the inspector. He is still working on a few items to correct issue that the inspector mentioned that needed to be updated.
• Teresa stated that she was on the Business Navigator webinar that was held on August 31st, 2023.
• Teresa stated that the Village had received correspondence dated 8/7/2023 from our attorney, who is handling the Pusey lawsuit. He needed the Village to look over the responses he had given to questions submitted by Mr. Pusey’s attorney.
• Teresa mentioned to the Board that South Central Illinois Regional Planning & Development Commission’s (SCIRP&DC) Executive Director James Patrick and EDA Planner Trish Lund have taken new positions and are no longer with SCRIP&DC. Brooke Fredrick with SCIRP&DC is taking over Trish Lund’s previous position.
• Teresa stated that going forward the Village will need to go through Greater Wabash Regional Planning Commission (which covers the counties of Crawford, Lawrence, Richland, Wayne, Edwards, Wabash and White) for all grants instead contracting out to South Central Regional Planning & Development Commission.
• Teresa stated that Erica Shannon has finished the proposal for the outdoor gym equipment. She is needing approval from the Board to allow her to submit the proposal to United Way for funding. Motion by Carrie, with a second by Dave, to give the Village’s approval for Erica Shannon to submit the outdoor gym equipment proposal to United Way for funding. All ayes, motion carried. Gary stated that the location he has suggested will be north east of Pickleball Court by the Lake.
• Teresa asked for a third volunteer to join Amanda and Gary to look over the draft Covenants for Park Meadow Phase 2 and give their approval to submit to Taylor Law within the next 30 days. Terry stated that he would volunteer.
• Teresa stated that the Trustees all had a rough draft copy of the TIF Downtown Incentive Grant Application to look over and give their input so that the final draft can be voted on at the October Board Meeting.
• Teresa mentioned that First Robinson Savings Bank will be having a celebration for being in business for over 140 years on Saturday, September 9th, from 4-7 pm. There will be live music, bounce houses, face painting and smoothies (FREE).
• Teresa stated that the Eastern Illinois Food Bank will be in Oblong on September 14th, from 11-11:30 am. Teresa stated that last month they ran out of food before getting to Hutsonville, so she asked that people observe the guidelines for qualifications.
• Teresa mentioned that First Robinson Savings Bank is hosting a free shred day on September 20th, from 9-11 am at 501 East Main Street, Robinson.
• Teresa wanted to remind individuals that non-highway vehicles (Golf Carts/UTV) cannot be driven on Route 33. Also, the vehicle needs to have an up-to=date Village Permit sticker and no drives under 18 years of age and they must have a valid driver’s licenses.
• Republic Fall Clean-up for paid up customers will be Tuesday, September 26th. Letter from Republic that they will no longer except anything that is in paper sacks or cardboard boxes.
• Teresa stated that B&H Recycling Event on Saturday, October 7th, from 9 am to Noon (12 pm) at the Park. It is open to everyone.
• Reports of Committees:
• POLICE: Jay stated that he had nothing to report this month
• BUILDING/PARK: Carrie stated that she has nothing else to report for this month. Gary stated that he had been contacted by Hope Dennis (Crawford County Home Extension) about donating a bench made from recycled plastic caps for the dog park. He stated that he had left a message stating that there were already two benches in the dog park and ask if the bench could be place in the park instead. He has not heard back from Hope yet.
• SIDEWALK/LIGHTS: Terry stated that he had nothing to report for this month.
• STREET/ALLEY: Jerry stated that the Chip and Seal was completed. Gary stated that he had been contacted by Alan Potter (for American Legion) about having flag brackets installed on 7 or 8 of the downtown light poles. Gary stated that he had look into what the cost would be which is less than $400. Mr. Potter asked if the Village would be willing to purchases the brackets. Motion by Amanda, with a second by Terry, to purchase and have brackets installed on the 7 or 8 downtown light poles. All ayes, motion carried.
• WATER/SEWER: Dave stated that he had nothing to report this month. Gary stated that he and the Mayor were invited to a meeting with Crawford County Health Department for discussion on how to improve the guidelines for Health and Safety alert during a disaster.
• FINANCE: Amanda stated that she did not have anything more to report this month. TREASURER’S REPORT: Jan stated that she had nothing to report this month.
CLERK’S REPORT: Ladora stated that she and Jan will be attending the SECICTA Meeting on Thursday, September 14th in Vandalia and also the IML Conference on September 21st-23rd in Chicago.
• DEVELOPMENT/ADHOC (Beautification/Ordinance):
• Gary stated that the contractor for the water and sewer line installation for Phase 2 of Park Meadow are having supply issues, possible start date September 18th, if materials are in.
• Teresa mentioned that there was a dumpster agreement turned in by Gary & Amanda Troth for possible full payment for a dumpster at 510 South Adams Street. They have evicted the people who were living there. Teresa stated that the property has been left in a mess. There have been several complaints from the neighbors about the property condition. Motion by Terry, with a second by Amanda, to have the Village pay for the first dumpster, which will be paid out of the Beautification/Gaming fund. All ayes, motioned carried.
• Teresa mentioned that the next AdHoc Meeting is Wednesday, September 27th at 3:30pm, in the Activity Room.
• Teresa recognized Taegan Garner from Greater Wabash Regional Planning Commission. Taegan introduce herself to the Board. She stated that she grew up in the Olney area. She looking forward to working with the Village with any grants in the future.
• Motion by Jay, with a second by Jerry, to pay the bills that were on the Warranty List and any utility bills, bills that will incur a late fee or reimbursements to employees-AC renters-Water Customers. All ayes, motion carried.
• There were two other items of business this month. Keith Waldrop ask where the Village was on the Pickleball net and the Sign, which is in front of the Municipal building. Carrie stated that there are still some questions about the skate park funds and there needs to be a letter sent to the Tony Hawks Foundation for consent to be able to place a permanent pickleball net on the concrete pad that was to be a skate board park. Gary stated that there have been some parts ordered for the sign, but they haven’t arrived yet.
• Motion by Carrie, with a second by Dave, to adjourn the meeting 5:44 pm. All ayes, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted
Ladora Boyd, Clerk