Village of Oblong

April 3, 2002

1. Meeting called to order

2. Present board meeting minutes of March 6th & 13th for approval

3. Additions or deletions to the agenda

IV. Delinquent Water Bills

V. Trevor E. Bissey - "Dental Insurance"

VI. Executive Session - Personal

VII. Adoption of Ordinance #2002-0-437 "Payroll Ordinance"

VIII. Approval of the Working Budget

IX. Adoption of Ordinance #2002-0-438 "Water Rate Revised"

X. Mayor's Comments: St. Jude Bike-a-thon (May 4th, 9am - 12[noon])

XI. Treasurer's Report

XII. Payment of Bills

XIII. Reports of Committees:

A. Police

B. Building & Park

C. Sidewalks & Lights

D. Street & Alley

E. Water & Sewer

F. Finance

XIV. Other items of business

XV. Adjournment

Board Meeting Dates
January 2, 2002
February 6, 2002
March 6, 2002
April 3, 2002