Village of Oblong
July 3, 2002
I. Meeting called to order
II. Present board meeting minutes of June 5th for approval
III. Additions or deletions to the agenda
IV. Delinquent Water Bills
V. Tom Moore (Kemper CPA) with Annual Audit Summary
VI. Adoption of Ordinance #2002-0-442 "An amendment to Ordinance #2001-0-436"
VII. Acceptance of resignation letter from Jamee Huber
IX. Mayor's Comments:
X. Treasurer's Report
XI. Payment of Bills
XII. Reports of Committees:
A. Police
B. Building & Park
C. Sidewalks & Lights
D. Street & Alley
E. Water & Sewer
F. Finance
XIII. Executive Session - Personnel
XIV. Other items of business
XV. Adjournment
Board Meeting
January 2, 2002
February 6, 2002
March 6, 2002
April 3, 2002
May 1, 2002
June 5, 2002
July 3, 2002