Village Treasurer

Jan Miller, Village of Oblong Treasurer
The Treasurer's Office is located in the Oblong Municipal Building, 202 South Range Street.

Office Hours:
8 A.M. to 3 P.M. Monday - Friday.
Closed on Board Approved Holidays
Voice 618-592-3431
Fax - 618-592-3922

Jan was appointed Village Treasurer on November 6, 1991, and Deputy Clerk on June 5, 1996.
As Treasurer I am responsible for depositing, investing and disbursing moneys for the Village of Oblong.

On August 2, 2005 I was recertified as an Illinois Municipal Treasurer (IMTA).
The IMTA is an intensive three year training program which provides 100 hours of instruction for municipal treasurer's. This program focuses on population changes, increasing responsibilities and legislative changes for treasurer's in municipal government. Completion of the institute provides points for IMTA certification.

Treasurer's who have earned IMTA certification must be recertified every five years and achieve this by attending Advanced Seminars. With increased responsibility there is a need for continued education in government, even for small towns and villages.
On June 26, 2010 she was recertified.

I am also on the IMTA Board of Directors for 2004-06 and
Standing Committees for Regional - South.

Code of Ethics

We, the members of the Illinois Municipal Treasurers Association, believe in the principles underlying the governments or the United States of America and in their perpetuation as a way of life. We desire to assist in bettering the relationship between the Municipal Treasurers all other public officials, and the people of our own and other communities.

As Municipal Treasurers we endorse the following principles and ethical code, and firmly resolve to:

Uphold and defend civil government as established to protect all persons in the enjoyment of their natural heritage;
Uphold and defend the ideals and the goals of our communities;
Promote the adoption and the application of the highest professional standards;
Endeavor to live by, and to encourage the daily practice of the Golden Rule
Consider it our duty and our privilege to improve continually our natural ability and usefulness as public officials;
Serve the best interest of all people, ever mindful of our sacred trust and;
Endeavor to perform all tasks that may be ours to perform with a practical, harmonious, and constructive attitude of goodwill.

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Village of Oblong

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Courtesy of Fairpoint Communications