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Hours: 8am – 5pm Monday – Friday

  • Public Works Department Objectives

    The mission of the Oblong Public Works Department is to provide the highest quality, most efficient, cost effective services to the residents and the surrounding community of the Village of Oblong.

    The Public Works Department is one of the most visible departments within the Village government, yet people are unaware of the operations that Public Works performs. It is important to understand what Public Works does and how they work for the Village and its citizens.

    There are four divisions within the Oblong Public Works Department: Water Division, Sewer Division, Street & Alley Division and Building & Parks Division. Each performs public service functions that are essential to the daily lives of Oblong residents.

    Questions about any area of Public Works can be answered by contacting the:
    Village of Oblong Public Works office at 618-592-3122.
    Our office is located at 202 South Range St., in Oblong.
    Our office hours are 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM, Monday Through Friday

    For after hours-emergency calls, dial 618-592-3122 and follow the recorded instructions.

    The Oblong Public Works Department is constantly evaluating processes and procedures.

    Projects that the Village cannot handle efficiently are contracted out to private businesses; however, other times department personnel can perform certain tasks at a lower cost than outside companies.

    This balance produces the most efficient type of operation, thereby keeping costs at a minimum. In turn, this means fewer tax increases, and lower water and sewer rates for the citizens of Oblong.

    The Public Works Department is working for you by ensuring quality living for Oblong and its surrounding community.

  • FAQ Section

    How can I get after hours assistance if I have an emergency?

    Call our office at 618-592-3122 and listen to the entire message. The message will give you the name and phone number of the person on call.

    We have someone on call to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    Where does our water come from?

    The Oblong Public Water Supply is a distribution system. We purchase our treated water from Robinson-Palestine Water Commission and Hardinville Water Company. Both of our suppliers produce water from well fields near the Wabash River Basin which is then pumped to a treatment plant. After processing it is then released for distribution to the public.

    Did our water rates increase again?  

    By Policy, the Oblong Village Board of Trustees reviews the water and sewer rates each year in November and makes the decision on whether the current rates are substantial for maintaining sufficient funding for expenses throughout the next year. If necessary the rate may need to be adjusted. The last rate increase was January 1, 2023.

    What can I do if I think my Water/Sewer bill is to high?


    95% of water leaks are due to leaky toilets.  Toilets can leak in six different ways; some cannot be seen or heard. “DYE TEST” every toilet when checking for leaks: 

    • First, take the lid off the tank, the tank water is your next flush water. (The tank water should stay securely in the tank until the toilet is flushed.)
    • Add several drops of food coloring or a packet of Kool-Aid to the tank water until it is a strong color.
    • Put the lid back on the tank and flip the seat up so you can see the water in the toilet bowl.   (If the coloring is already in the toilet bowl you have a bad leak, turn off that toilet until you can fix it).
    • Continue to monitor the bowl several times during the hour. If the colored tank water makes its way to the bowl, you have a leak.
    • If, after one hour, the color remains in the tank and the water in the bowl is clear, the toilet is not leaking.
    • Repeat this test on all toilets in your home.
    • If you find a toilet leak, replace the parts in the tank and run the “DYE TEST” one more time to be sure everything is installed securely.
    • If the “DYE TEST” does not find that any of your toilets are leaking,  please feel free to give us a call and one of our Service Technicians will be glad to assist you. 

    What does a Precautionary Boil Order mean?

    Precautionary Boil Orders

    The Oblong Public Water Supply is committed to providing high-quality, safe drinking water to their customers. The following information will help you understand more about a Precautionary Boil Order.


    What does a precautionary boil order mean?  Precautionary boil orders are meant to inform customers that there has been an incident that caused the water system to become more susceptible to outside contaminants. As a precaution, the Water Supplier is notifying the impacted area to take precautions and not use tap water for drinking, brushing your teeth, cooking, or washing fruits and vegetables. Customers should only use bottled water or tap water that has been boiled for at least five minutes for these activities.


    Precautionary boil orders do NOT mean water has tested positive for contamination. It is NOT the same thing as a mandatory boil order. Instead, it is a precautionary measure meant to empower customers to make the best choices for themselves, their families or their business customers until proper testing can be completed.


    When and why is a Precautionary Boil Order being issued?  A precautionary boil order is most commonly issued when utility crews need to shut down a segment of water main due to an emergency repair or for a scheduled maintenance activity. IEPA rules and regulations call for the immediate issuance of a precautionary boil order anytime water pressures fall below 20 pounds per square inch. When pressure falls below that amount, there is a possibility that organisms outside of the water pipe could infiltrate the water system and cause illness (e.g. fecal or E. coli bacteria) or technical/physical problems in the water system have significantly increased the possibility of bacterial contamination.

    The precautionary boil order does not mean that the water has tested positive for any type of contamination. It is simply a precautionary measure until proper testing can be completed. Notification is made by the Water Supplier to those consumers who are affected as soon as possible. The precautionary boil order begins once water service returns to the impacted customers and will be in effect until further notice. Samples will be taken to the utility’s lab for testing. Testing usually takes 24 to 48 hours. As soon as the Water Supplier is notified of the results that the samples are clear of any pathogen or contamination, customers will be notified that the Boil Order is lifted. Information will be posted on your water suppliers’ respective social media or web site and a notice will be sent to local radio stations. Commercial customers will be contacted directly.

    If you have any questions, feel free to contact Oblong Public Works for more information.

    618-592-3122    Office Hours: M-F   8:00-1:00

    How can I reserve a room at the Municipal Building or a Shelter at the Park?

    You can call the Oblong Public Works office 618-592-3122 to rent rooms at the municipal building or shelters at the park. You can find more information under the Community Page

    Can I reserve a site at the Campgrounds?

    Campsites are first come-first served at our campgrounds with no reservations. We have over 30 sites with electric and water hook-ups. The sites are very rarely ever all filled. 

    You can visit the campground page here

  • Public Works Department Divisions

    Water Division

    The Oblong Public Water Supply has approximately 1150 customers. The Department maintains over 42 miles of water main lines, and 116 fire hydrants. The system has one 250,000 gallon storage tank, and pumps an average of 125,000 gallons per day.

    Treated water is purchased from the Robinson-Palestine Water Commission and Hardinville Water Company . More information about our water water can be found in our Annual Water Quality Report available below.

    Sewer Division

    The Oblong sewer system has approximately 750 customers. The department maintains over 11 ½ miles of main lines, 3 lift stations and the wastewater treatment facility which consists of a 2 cell lagoon system (7 acre primary & 4 ½ acre secondary) and a limestone rock filter.

    Street & Alley Division

    The department is responsible for maintenance of over 14 mile of streets. Other services include installation and maintenance of driveway culverts and ditches, storm sewer cleaning and repair, sidewalk maintenance and repairs, sign maintenance, storm cleanup, fall leaf pick up and snow removal.

    Building & Parks Division:

    The department is responsible for the maintenance of the Oblong Park and Lake. The park covers approximately 20 acres which include the 6 ½ acre lake. The park includes playgrounds in various areas, 3 covered shelters, 2 restroom facilities (1 with showers), year round camping facilities, pickle ball court, and over ½ mile of paved and lighted walkway around the lake. The department also maintains the building and grounds of the Oblong Municipal Building, the downtown mini park and the Ray & Alberta Atkins Memorial Park.

    Trash Pickup Service

    Excavation Application - Permit 

  • Online Bill Pay Information

    The Village of Oblong continually strives to meet the needs of its residents and the surrounding community. Therefore, we have taken the necessary steps to provide you with the availability of paying your Water/Sewer bills 24 hours a day over the Internet.

    Please note: You will need your bill present while performing your transaction. Please make a seperate transaction for each account (bill) in order to insure that your payment is applied to the correct account.

    Water/sewer bills are due on the 20th of each month. Please allow 3 days for your payment to be posted. Bills paid via E-Pay within 72 hours of the due date may be subject to applicable penalties for late payment.

    Please note that payments may be made by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, or debit card.

    If you have any questions regarding your bill or the amount due, please contact the Public Works Office at (618) 592-3122.

    Thank you for your payment.

    To make a payment, please click below (button opens in a new tab)

    Online Bill Pay
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